Questions about new budgies


New member
Apr 2, 2013
Hello everyone
So about a week ago someone gave my dad three budgies for free, as they did not want them anymore. Don't know why. Two are males and one is a female and they get along great. They are all fully grown adults and are fully flighted. They are not at all tame. They were in a tiny cage with just 2 plastic perches so I have moved them to a larger cage we had sitting in the garage. The males are pretty active but the female seems pretty lazy lol. So here are my questions...
1. Is it normal for female budgies to be "lazier" (not as active) as males?
2. What is an ideal diet for budgies? Currently I'm feeding them a seed mix that came with them in a ziplock and romaine lettuce which they love. I have tried feeding broccoli and apple as well but they were never touched.
3. Is it possible to tame these guys? I feel like if there was just one, taming might've been possible but since there are 3 they will team up on me and decide I'm the common enemy lol
4. Should I have their wings clipped? I feel bad leaving them in their cage all day and thought if their wings were clipped I could let them out for some out of cage time. But since they are not tame and are fully flighted how would I possibly get them back into their cage? But I'm scared clipping their wings will just make more skittish.

Hope some of you can help answer these questions. I don't have any experience with budgies. I have a green cheek conure but she is very different lol...she's more like a little person :)
You might want to be cautious having the budgies and conure close at first, your conure is probably pretty strongly bonded to you, and if he/she gets jealous he could seriously harm or kill a budgie. But with slow careful monitoring it can work to have them all out. I have 2 budgies and a GCC, and they tolerate each other...but it took a while. I'm not a fan of clipping, however with new birds in a new home, and since you have 3 at once it may be in everyone's interest to do so, so they can get a layout of the house, get used to you and the conure, etc, and then they can feather out and they'll pretty much fend for themselves. They'll always come back to the cage once they get their bearings. Flighted budgies are a joy to have around. I've had budgies all my life, and taming 3 at once with a conure on your shoulder while they're all flighted is a tall order.:) but you can get them finger-tame and once they're flighted as long as you interact with them they'll stay that way.
I would quarantine them for a period and get them to the vet to be checked before integrating them with other birds in your home. Since they were in a small cage, wait and see if your female starts to investigate her surroundings.
When I used to raise them I've noticed the males are a lot more active in carrying and such.

I tend to feed the smaller birds a seeds/pellets mix along with the fresh goods.

Yes it is possible to tame them but it will just take you a lot of time and patience.

having their wings clipped is a choice up to you.

And please do practice quarantine!!!!
you should tame them first, at least to the level of step up.
then you can go ahead and clip them. 3 budgies will take time, but its not impossible. you could separate them? but if they are all bonded, then dont do that.
you could maybe take the single guy out. if he is being ignored by the pair, he'll be easier to tame..... budgies are extremely friendly birds, so they will warm up sooner or later. want proof?
[ame=""]1 Bird in hand Leads to Many - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]More Budgies!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

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