Questions about Eclectus


New member
Jul 19, 2007
Well I'm starting to think that I may buy or rescue an eclectus. I've started to do some reading on them but I'm sure I'll have questions. So I am starting this thread in hopes that people will be able to answer some of them. As of right now I just have one question. Which is louder?? A male or a female? From my reading it seems like the male will be louder, but the female will be more territorial when they have there hormones. I'm sure some of you who will read this thread read my last one and know why I'm asking this. I'd also like to hear any personal experiences or good advice that you people have had with these parrots that may help me out.

Brian, if you take at a look at some of Wima's (Eclectus) posts, you can read and see her Kodie, he is a male. When Wilma gets a chance to come on, she'll be able to let you know their secrets, I don't have an Eclectus, so anything I tell ya will be what I've read on them. They are beautiful birds tho'
You need to sit down and research this stuff and ask more specific questions. I'm glad though that you are looking for others' experiences. You also really aught to spend some time volunteering at a rescue near when you live. One that has many different species of parrot and spend time with them. Handle them, feed them, clean up after them - all that. In doing so you will know who you like and who you don't like. You will also be helping out and you can talk to the people there - they will give you the skinny on the different species and be completely honest to you. Who knows, you might just find the bird that is perfect for you!

Okay, I am going to say something and it is just because I need to say it, please don't think I am an ogre or being mean to you. I get the feeling like you are wanting others to do your research. You need to take ownership of this as taking in any living thing is a huge, lifelong commitment. It is like having a child that will not leave home for 50 years. I just had to say that and I hope you don't end up insulted or anything. I just had to get that off my chest.
Indigo - I have no idea where the last part of your post just came from.
As far as me doing my own research... I feel I have been. If you are referring to when I asked if anyone knew of a site that would lead me to NY rescues. You chose to search yourself. You happened to look up "Adopt a parrot New York" I however have never been to a rescue, and bought most of my animals from pet stores. Like I said, I searched "Animal rescues Albany NY" thinking that there would be local rescues but it doesn't appear to be that way. Like I said, I just came up with animal rescues for dogs and cats and I was stuck in the mind set of somewhere local. I was just seeing if anyone knew of a great site that had it all. To possibly save me a ton more time trying to find rescues. I have found a site since then ( and a few others that you gave me. As I'm doing my research I'll be using this thread to post any questions I have. Hopefully you guys could help me out, and I'm also using it so that when I go somewhere, I have all these questions written down to ask a rescue or possibly a breeder.
One thing I would say is to ask a question that you already know the answer too. Whether it be a Rescue, or a breeder.

When I was looking into my Greys, I asked one question, "Are they quiet, I live in a built up area, neighbours living all round me" (not quite true that part) From a lot of breeder I heard, "oh yes you won't even know you have them" thats when I walked out of there. I finally found Louise and she told me it like it was, "one of the quieter of the larger parrots, but can make a heck of a racket if they want to, and will be noisy some times" I got both my greys from her. :D

My advise would be pick a question ask it see what the response is. But make sure YOU know the answer to the question 100%. Sounds simple but it really does work and you'll have a breeder/rescue that you know is willing to help you later on.
Peta - I did that when I bought my sugar gliders a few years back. When I was finding a breeder I asked them questions I knew the answer too. But thanks for reminding me because when I bought my conure I was told exactly what they said to you "you will hardly know hes there". Anways, its time for me to goto sleep. Oh, by the way. I read all of Eclectica's posts and learned a few things. One of them answering the question about the male vs female. :)
I think one thing that continues to go unacknowledged is that all birds WILL MAKE NOISE - just because a species trait is one thing or another does not mean all individuals will adhere to that. These are guidelines only. When any animal get into a sexual mode they will be noisier than before. This includes when they reach certain ages and this is something everyone considering a bird (or any animal really) must understand fully. Also there are FAR more good reasons to get one species over another besides their coloration. Anyone looking for a pet should look at ALL possibilities and not just the immediately obvious ones (like noise level and color). Also bigger the bird bigger the space needed to accommodate that bird appropriately.
sexual mode they will be noisier than before

If today's anything to go by think ALL MINE must be in the sexual mode. :confused: Even the cat is starting. :D :D :D

Glad Wilma's post were able to help ya a little.
My birds have been insanely noisy as well the last few days. Usually they are quiet when I am sleeping, but the last few days they have woken me up (which isnt a bad thing per se; I mean if you've got to be woken up, what better a way to do so - a budgie, two grown lovebirds and two baby lovebirds singing their little lungs off).
Evyll, I'm really glad that you're asking about others experiences with these birds, I wish that I had done this before getting my Iggy...I did do a lot of research, which I am still doing to this day, and a lot of web sites are misleading and make Amazons sound like quiet gentle perfect birds...many of them don't mention what happens when they get older and how hard it is to work with them...and those web sites that do tell the truth just confuse you because they contradict what you just read! Even the place where I got Iggy seemed to have sugar coated what an Amazon was all about, which really surprises me, knowing how much they care about their birds...they cried when I bought him because they love their birds so much. Anyway, kudos to you for coming and asking for others opinions, I hope that we can continue to do everything we can to help you out!
Well, first off, hello and welcome. Sorry, havent welcomed you yet. Hm, well the choosing the bird part.

Lets see, ekkies in general:

-They are observers, not the cuddly bunch you know (so true, believe me:eek:)
-They love to eat, munch, munch and munch some more. They eat alot, not too much pellets, but if you feed him too much other yummy stuff you'll have a fat ekkie!
-They are not known to be screamers, but as Indigo said before, and its very important that you understand, that if it does scream, how does it affect you, your household and neighbour. I have never actually heard an ekkie scream, the ones i saw was very cute and quiet. But i would recommend you trying to get the screaming somewhere. Its a big bird, so loud noises could emerge from it.
-They are known to be family birds, altough i think mine is very attached to me, he wont bite the other members, but isnt quite eager to go to them.
-Remember, a big bird has big beak, and an ekkies is quite big. What if the bird starts to bite, will you know how to handle it and how to train to stop or prevent it from ever happening?
-Dont think because its thought to be an independent bird, they wont need as much attention as other birds, ekkies can also become a plucker.
-Know the problems/diseases associated with your specific breed, toe tapping is one to keep in mind.
-And to keep your ekkie healthy, you must know what its diet is about, what they may or may not eat, they are a bit different in their dietary needs. The digestive system is longer, i suggest you look into that seriously, because it could affect the health of an ekkie.
-There should be a website of some sort where they list birds for sale, check with those sites, call up the people, and if they are close by, go and visit them to find out if they are reputable breeders. Thats the way i found my bird, remember, good and backyard breeders advertise in papers and websites, you just have to call up and go visit them.

Well, i dont know what to say anymore, talking too much again, please feel free to ask me any questions concerning the breed. Thanks!

Talk to you soon!!
I will be following this post as well as eclectus are one of the few of the larger species I would like to have some day :) oh and you can call them ekkies on here for short
Well I'm starting to think that I may buy or rescue an eclectus. I've started to do some reading on them but I'm sure I'll have questions. So I am starting this thread in hopes that people will be able to answer some of them. As of right now I just have one question. Which is louder?? A male or a female? From my reading it seems like the male will be louder, but the female will be more territorial when they have there hormones. I'm sure some of you who will read this thread read my last one and know why I'm asking this. I'd also like to hear any personal experiences or good advice that you people have had with these parrots that may help me out.

Hi there Evyll,

I know bit about eclectus'es since i had thought about getting one quite a few months back. Also i just went to a bird store last week and the store owners son had his 14 year old female eclectus in with him. I asked him the same question about loudness, he said both are about the same. Eclectus'es have to be on a really strict and healthy diet as their prone to quite a few things such as fatty tumors. You have to feed them a low fat pellet diet as well as good seed diet and even dried fruit and nut mix, organic cereal, apple sauce,and fresh fruit and veggies. If you keep them on an ALL pellet diet(which surprisingly many owners do) they will get an overdose on vitamins and nutrients and get 'tapping toe' in which the muscles create a clutching position in the birds feet. In most cases this is treatable but you should definitely try your best for your eclectus (or soon to be) to not get it. Although you should never feed any bird a pellet only diet, this 'tapping toe' condition is most common in eclectus'es. I think most Eclectus owners feed theirs either the low fat roudybush pellets, or zupreem. They are very independent birds, and not huge cuddlers. Both female and male, more commonly in female however can become territorial, and also become a one person pet. Both those things can be prevented to happen if you interact them with lots of people, and get them out of there cage lots and away from it. Some people want a one person bird that is usually not problem too. that's all i casn think of off the top of my head right now lol.

heres an article on 'Tapping Toe'
Thats a great site, and watching that baby being hadfed, wow he's so gentle. Kito very nearly took my hand off with his head bobbing. Vicious. :eek:

Awwwwwww I want one or two. :D
meghanxx4 - Thanks so much for the link to tapping toe. On the few sites I've read so far no one has mentioned this disease. I found something amusing in that article and had a question. They mention TV dinners, do they mean that people really give there parrot microwavable TV dinners? or is that short for something?

Eclectica - Thanks for the response to my private message and thanks for your posts. Thanks a ton for the site with the screaming ekkie. It doesn't seem that bad in comparison to my Dusky.

Yes, I know all birds can be loud. What I'm looking for is a parrot that can't be nearly as loud as my old parrot. I don't mind the noise at all. I actually enjoy all theres noises. The only thing I didn't like was the screaming.

I'll be going out to buy Eclectus Parrots by Katy McElroy today.
meghanxx4 - Thanks so much for the link to tapping toe. On the few sites I've read so far no one has mentioned this disease. I found something amusing in that article and had a question. They mention TV dinners, do they mean that people really give there parrot microwavable TV dinners? or is that short for something?

You'd be amazed of what some people feed there birds. There was one person who fed their macaw smarties(if your in the USA you wont know what those are, their like M&Ms lol) as its daily diet. It only lived for about 15 years (which is actually quite amazing that it lasted that long). I have never heard of people feeding their birds TV dinners but that would not surprise me.

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