Question RE: Meyers. Advice?


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Jules - Yellow Sided GCC, Buju - My sweet lil Meyer's, Micah - Sun Concure :o)
Anyone that knows me (IRL) would say that I'm a sucker and a definite animal lover lol. :D

I've been considering adding to my bird family. I was initially thinking a Senegal or Eclectus, but I came across an ad for a Meyers. When I saw the pic I thought to myself that I HAD to get him (for obvious reasons). I really don't know much about them and this baby needs serious help. I'm told he doesn't get along with their other birds and was missing feathers when this person got him. I'm not sure about the story, but do you think it's a good idea? Me taking him on with no known history?

I'm attaching a pic. Please give me your thoughts. I'm supposed to get him tomorrow. Thanks in advance

EDIT: Now that I've looked at the picture closer, I've never seen a Meyer's with yellow on the chest. Could it be they are mis-labeling? This is odd....


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ohh he's cute! what's his name? it almost looks like a jardine, but i don't know. i say get him, if your life allows. i adopted oliver, my nanday with very little known about him. i learned more about him day after day from the way he behaves and reacts to things.
I absolutely love Meyers parrots, of course greys are my first love. They are not easy to find. I hope this guy was not abused. Anytime a bird is adopted or purchased and has a new home/guardian it is like starting over. If you remember that then you will do well with this bird. Looks like he needs a vet visit to see what is going on with the feathers and check for any other problems before coming into your home.
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He looks like a poi for sure...

I'd have thought Meyers, but you're right about the chest. He could possibly be a meyers x senegal hybrid.

But to be honest, looking super closer... unless you have more pictures, I would probably stillput him as a Meyers, just with scruffy feathers that look in the wrong place!

I'd say take him, I bet he's sweet :)
he is adorable I would be running not walking to get him but then I know next to nothing about meyers. haha Alison and sweetie pie:D
I also just got a now 6 month old female red bellied parrot that I named Tiki . I have had her a little over three weeks and she is delightful. I bought her from craigslist in cape coral florida. I love her whistles and clicks and sounds that she makes. I have to say at 66 years old it is kind of nice to stumble into the kitchen in the morning to make a coffee and get greeted with a perfect wolf whistle Alison and sweetie pie:D
Hard to say only would that picture, but I'm also thinking he might be a small Poi hybrid.
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Quick update.... I picked him today. He's in pretty rough shape. I took pictures of his "home" before and his new home. Getting him settled in. He appears to be a very sweet boy. Stepped right up, but WOW is he loud :eek:. I'll be back in a bit to post the pics off my camera. Thanks sooooo much to all that replied.
Looking forward to seeing all the pictures, maybe a clearer view will help us identify him :)
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Okay, I'm back lol. This one apparently has been close to a car alarm, geez he's a loud one

I'm going to attempt to attach his before and after pics (car alarm is going off lol). In the sun, his eyes appear orange. He actually doesn't have a yellow breast. Just an odd feather there and he's lost more feathers than I originally thought. Poor little guy. Definitely lacking attention. He does have pin feathers on his head so that's a good sign. Pictures may bring tears so don't hold it against me :( Here goes...


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Looking at these new pictures, I would say he's all Meyer's.
Hopefully he'll get into better shape in your care :)
he sure is cute! did his former home have a lot of other birds? you can some other bird cages in the picture. i'm sure he's much happier with you.

the last pic breaks your heart, but feathers grow back! an avian vet should take a look to see if there if anything medical causing the feather loss. the vet could tell you old he is, at least an estimate.
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I plan on taking him to the vet asap. All pics posted other than the first are of my house so that's Jules cage in the back and his new home being assembled in the floor.

I was told he's 4 yrs old and that he had him for the past year. Feathers were also missing when he got him... He said the previous owner had a room filled with birds and that he was in an even smaller cage than the one he came in. Sounds like he hasn't had much space to be a bird in his lifetime.

This boy (he looked about 12-14) said he had 2 other birds that the Meyer's didn't get along with and that's why he was selling him. He didn't allow me in his home so I couldn't say for sure. All I know is this bird has been crying for me since we got here. Very calm when with me, doesn't like to be in the cage and seems to startle easy. I'll keep you posted with updates. :)
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good luck with the new baby he really is cute. Hope everything checks out ok at the vet visit. Alison and sweetie pie:D
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Thanks Alison. He has an appt. at 3pm today. Crossing my fingers he's okay. I'll post an update later
Dealing with a bird with psychological issues can be stressful, but the reward is often sweet in the end. I bet that with your care and devotion that this bird will be able to overcome its issues and continue life on as a healthy, fully feathered bird. :)
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Thank you Karigan. He really is a sweetheart. Very gentle and puts his head down for rubs. I love him already and Im happy with my decision.
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We're home. The Vet said no Dermatitis and that she thinks the cause is neglect and poor nutrition more than anything. His weight is good, right at 100 grams. We didn't do blood work. She said that had he really been showing signs of illness she would have, but didn't see the need to stress him out more than he already is. Thank goodness. I was NOT looking forward to that. The slight loose poop could be from better food now and his body adjusting. He didn't go potty while there so I have to return a sample. She thinks with some time his feathers should grow back and if not better in a few months then she would want to do the blood work. I didn't know this, but another way to tell about their nutrition is to look inside their mouths? Anyway, other than some really old feathers, he looks pretty good and he was so sweet with them. So glad to have that done and to be home. He is quite the little lover boy! :)
so glad the vet visit went well. he is adorable. Alison and sweetie pie:D

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