Question on my B&G Macaw's Eyes


New member
Aug 16, 2014
Port Richey, Florida
Blue & Gold Macaw [Maya] // Sun Conure Baby [Zippo] // 2 Lovebirds [Nibblet & Nellie]
My Blue and Gold macaw is 8 years old. I have had her since before her first pin feather. I fed and weaned her myself (She was my first large parrot, i used to breed and sell smaller birds)

She has 1 brother.

Her eyes are still dark like a baby's even at 8 yers of age, and havent lightened at all since she was a year old. Her brother are white like a normal adult macaw.

Is this normal sometimes? I've never seen it before except maybe once or twice.

Could it be her diet? She eats Zupreem, Pretty Bird, and lots of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and birdie bread.

Here's a pic of her. (WOW i look so fat in this photo!!) It doesnt bother me that her eyes are like that, I love her no matter what

Only concerned if it's a health issue. My vet had NO comment :62:

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And NO that is not a bald spot on her chest. Just the way her feathers are sitting. None of my bird's are pluckers. Thank God. I'd go nuts if they started doing that stuff, It makes me cry!
hmmm, never looked into macaw eye variation before. That's interesting! Not much useful info from me, except that all species have variation and yours could be that.
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Oh and just for comparison. At the very top of This Forum, there is a banner with a Blue and Gold macaw in the top right corner. just scroll up and you'l see what i mean by the white eyes. Like i said i love my girl no matter what but the white eye's do appeal to me. Oh well, Shes unique i guess. However some insight on what causes this would be awesome.
I'm also of not much help, but I think she has most beautiful eyes ever! If all macs had such eyes I'd get one - for some reason I don't like yellow eyes (like macs, AGs, IRNs etc) because they somehow remind me of pigeons who were extremely annoying and obnoxious in the huge city I grew up as a kid. I've seen pictures of macaws with eyes like this, so I would never thought it was a problem. If I got a mac, then only with eyes like this! LOL :D
It's funny you should bring this up, I met a B&G female this week whose eyes were like yours. She's just over two years old, so a little younger.

If you google image search B&G you'll see probably about 1 an 20 photos is of a bird with dark eyes, that isn't necessarily a baby. By the looks of it it's just an unusual colour variation
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You know, the more i think about it, the more it appeals to me because my baby is unique in a way. It is quite rare. She'd never be accepted in a pedigree contest (is that the right term?) because she's not Show quality, but in my heart she's #1. The cable guy came over today and he jumped a mile when he walked in my house and maya greeted him. It was funny because before i could warn him that she *Sometimes* bites strangers when she is intimidated, he went over and picked her right up. (He owns parrots also) he thought she was a baby because of the dark eyes, until i told him she was 8 years old. Then he was like OMG i coulda got bit. But it was all good cause Maya fell in love with him. She isnt much of a talker unless shes alone, or its raining, or we are vacuuming, or feediong her. And she almost never talks infront of strangers, she is very shy. But she was very talkative with this guy! I was so proud of my baby today :D
Interesting. Most adult Senegals have a bright yellow eye. Some never get yellow. They're a blue/gray. It might be from a completely different reason than your macaw, but it might just be that some birds never turn for a reason having to do more with genetics (?) not diet. It's not her diet. I think if your bird was on such a crappy diet that it caused her eyes to look different, she'd surely not have such beautiful plumage!

Has she shown in 8 years any hormonal behavior or laid eggs? The reason I ask is that since dark eye color is a baby trait, if maybe somehow by genetic mutation her hormones responsible for maturation never happened? Just a wild guess.
It's funny you should bring this up, I met a B&G female this week whose eyes were like yours. She's just over two years old, so a little younger.

I could be wrong, but isn't 2 for a Macaw still a juvenile? Isn't Tab's Fargo around that age too and still has dark eyes? Tab if you see this ;)
It's funny you should bring this up, I met a B&G female this week whose eyes were like yours. She's just over two years old, so a little younger.

I could be wrong, but isn't 2 for a Macaw still a juvenile? Isn't Tab's Fargo around that age too and still has dark eyes? Tab if you see this ;)

I'm not Tab, nor do I want to speak for her, but the last time I saw photos of GORGEOUS Fargo, yes, his eyes are still dark, too. :)

My Niko's eyes changed before he turned 1. They're not yellow though, they're whitish.

I know nothing about eye color. I just want to say Maya is BEAUTIFUL! I really love B&G macaws.

Edit: Ooh I just saw Niko's pic. He's very attractive too! As is Fargo! (We can't have jealousy fueling a B&G beauty war. :p )
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These blue and gold pics are killing me -- I want mine to come home already.

Your girl is so gorgeous <3 And I love the dark eyes. If it doesn't indicate something wrong (and it appears from this thread it doesn't) I think I'd love for mine to keep the baby eyes forever :)
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Thank you all for all the wonderful comments about Maya. She's definitly spoiled rotton hahaha. She is my pride and joy. Ive had her since before her first pin feathers. She fit in the palm of my hand! I really do appreciate the comments. I've been reading them to her, She's laying next to me on my bed right now (Lately she's been rolling over and shoving her head into my side alot.

As far as egg laying - No she has not laid any legs. But i have to be careful not to touch her behind and lower back cause she loves me and wants my babies. Shes a horny bird. Thankfully no eggs. I hope she never lays eggs.

I have to be clean shaven for her becuse she loves to preen my beard - Meaning she like to pull out my chin hairs!.. Also cant wear polo shirts with her cause no matter how much i try to train her to not chew buttons. she LOVES buttons. their her favorite "Toy" she also likes glasses too much. atleast she doesnt break glasses, just puts them in her mouth and bobs and goes "Oooohhh" and "Muahaha"
Also cant wear polo shirts with her cause no matter how much i try to train her to not chew buttons. she LOVES buttons. their her favorite "Toy" she also likes glasses too much. atleast she doesnt break glasses, just puts them in her mouth and bobs and goes "Oooohhh" and "Muahaha"

This is funny. My husband has learned to love polos - also for a bird reason. He has a mole on the back of his neck that PB is determined to yank off. He's made an appointment to have the mole removed but in the meantime he wears polos with the collar turned up all the way. He looks like a preppy dracula. LOL
Poor hubby! I had to have two moles removed after we got the birds because they're obsessed with pulling them off. My hubby has a little freckle on his neck that the birds won't leave alone, but it isn't raised up so he can't have it removed. I'll suggest to him tonight that he try the Prepula look :p
I have a darkened skin tag on my neck that for the first few months Sootie insisted was a seed! She's learned not to tug on it now but she does still beak it and lick at it. It drives her nuts.
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My bird most likely saved my life - Here's the story.

I had a huge mole right below my neck on my back, It was sore and ugly. My macaw kept trying to bite it off and i'd get so frustrated and i'd have to put her in her cage for a time out every time she did it (I only positive reinforce, if i neg reinforce its a time out in the cage away from me.)

So i decided to have it removed - went to a dermatologist and he said it doesnt look good, did a biopsy. Cancerous. Melanoma.

SO! My bird discovered i had cancer and wouldn't leave me alone til i went to a doctor (its getting removed next month)
WOW, Timothy, that just sent shivers down my spine. :eek:

Good luck next month!!! And please give Maya some extra scritches from me. :)
Poor hubby! I had to have two moles removed after we got the birds because they're obsessed with pulling them off. My hubby has a little freckle on his neck that the birds won't leave alone, but it isn't raised up so he can't have it removed. I'll suggest to him tonight that he try the Prepula look :p

Prepula! ROFL. I'm so going to start calling my husband that. With the accent of course.

Timothy, good luck with your appointment. Your story is what I'm afraid of. I've thought my husband's mole has looked suspicious for a while now. He has been promising to make an appointment but never did until PB started hanging out with him most of the time. PB is apparently a better nag than me. :09:

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