question about my sun conure


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Jul 19, 2011
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Sun conure
We have a sun conure that is almost 3 months old. We have had her almost 2 weeks. She is still eating formula but she is also eating and drinking on her own. My question is when you feed them formula the crop gets full but when she eats regular food such as softened pellets, fruit, ect her crop always feels empty. She is very playful and active and is pooing and all that but I'm worried that she isn't eating enough. She has been eating a little bit of formula and then she pulls away like she doesn't want it. Is this ok? Thanks for your help!

Oh and btw I know how people feel about breeders selling unweaned birds but these people made sure we knew what we needed to know as far as formula feeding so I don't want people bad mouthing please. & our bird was already eating food and all that but still wanting formula.
What your doing is giving your baby a sooky feed which i think is a very good idea. I alway's encourage my clients to give a feed each day when they take their new baby home it helps the baby make that move into their new home.

Depending on how many feeds of formula she is having. Sometimes when they are still on the formula they may appear to be eating a lot but infact the are just nibbling & hang out for that formula. I always feed my 3 month old chicks only 1 feed of formula a day at around 4 oclock in the afternoon. Don't fill the crop but leave enough room for it to eat big bird food it's self. Once she knows your not going to feed her anymore she will eat on her own.
Thanks! Im just so scared that she is not eating enough. This is the first day where she is not really wanting her formula.

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