One more thing, I found an atom hanging toy made of PVC that was far less expensive than the one from Mother Pluckin' for anyone who might need one. I've spent a ton of money in a little amount of time on playgyms, building the enclosure, buying tile to cover all the wood, and all the bird toys and supplies to outfit the cage so far. I still have to pick up the exotic dreams wood playgym kit as well. My husband refused to buy the $170+ atom right now because we're currently paying out of pocket for all this. I looked for a cheaper alternative and found this made by an etsy seller:
I bought that one but I'm sure she could make more if someone asked. It looks like she still has one available for medium/small birds in her store. I think these could easily be wrapped in natural rope to mimic the name brand one for far less money.
Hopefully it was alright to post that link, if it isn't feel free to take it down. I just figured if anyone was on a tight budget, that's a good alternative to the high dollar variety of that particular toy.