Putting up sun conure for adoption (South Florida)


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Aug 11, 2014
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:orange: Hey Parrot loving community! Calling all members of the Southeastern US region to attention! :orange:

If someone agrees to adopt my bird, I will drive her to you!

I've had my conure now for nearly a year. She's gotten to be, well, as decently behaved a conure as I can expect to have. Thing is, it wasn't my choice to get another conure. My dad thought it was a good idea to "surprise" my mom and I with it one day. I've kept her because I did miss having a bird, but mostly because I was afraid of where else she might end up if not with us. I definitely don't want to put her back into the pet trade, and I'm afraid that most people in my city think that birds are just pretty things that are supposed to stay in cages all day (same people that think humans are above animals). It dawned on me that perhaps the best place to find an appropriate owner that will give it the specialized care it requires is this forum.

It's become increasingly difficult for me to give her the attention she needs, because of how busy my work schedule is. It's not fair to her. It really is never a good idea to gift someone a pet to "surprise" them - pets aren't things.

- Confirmed female (has laid eggs)

- Eats just about anything you put in front of her
- In contrast to my previous bird, seems to warm up to people fairly quickly
- Seems to be a multiple-person bird (gets along with all members of my family)
- Has never attacked guests, no matter how outraged she got (unlike my previous bird, who was a sophisticated attack aircraft)
- As silly as your typical sun conure
- Loves to "talk"

- Not sure how old she is
- Has become attached to me
- Have not been able to fully switch her over to pellets
- Is at a hormonal age and loves tearing up bedding to make a nest. She's calmed down since winter though
- Not vaccinated

I am hoping very much that someone on here is willing or knows someone who is willing to take my Tuta under their wing. I apologize if this is forbidden, I am just desperate to find a good home for her. She's such a good girl. I will post pictures of her engaging in her usual shenanigans soon
I'm in San Antonio and I'm considering it.
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I hope she finds a good home!
I want her if San Antonio isn't too far.
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She sounds so sweet! Too bad I'm all the way up on the east coast of canada... plus I don't think my GCC would be very happy with me :P

Good luck finding a great home!
Ok ok Im In clearwater...maybe I can help..I know of a couple who might be interested.
Are you still looking for a home for your bird? I am in Lawtey FL, Bradford county, on the other side of Gainesville. I currently have no birds in my home. I used to have several and would love to have another! I do not work, my kids are grown so I now have plenty of time to spend with a bird. Please let me know if you still have your bird and if your interested?
Thank you very much,

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