Pterodactyl sighting!!

The video doesn't work on my phone, so I'll have to wait until I can get my mitts on a computer.

Grumble, grumble!
The video says unavailable... I'm on an iPad right now, not sure if same problem as on Stephen's phone. I'll have to check on the computer later. I read it though!

It says the white pelicans can eat the gannet chicks up to 2 kilograms. That's 2,000 grams! :eek: not even the largest macaws would be safe! Nope, no pelicans around parrots lol.
...Second thought, it might just be a California Brown Pelican :)

We were walking by the beach today, and there were people fishing off the pier. That's what this guy is looking at. He's eyeing their fish and bait, and waiting for someone to let their guard down! My SO claims that by an identifying mark on it's beak, that it's the same one that hangs out there every year.

After I snapped this first pic, he flew down to the ground. Then he let us (small crowd of people) get fairly close to him. He did, however, chase off a little kid with open beak lol!

Not sure if it's a male or female. From what I've read, male and female are the same color, but it must be breeding season, indicated by the more colorful head, neck, and beak. I thought it was HUGE, although the article I read said the Brown is the smallest Pelican species. Still has a 6+ foot wingspan. Check out the "duck" feet!

Great pictures, beautiful bird, he looks so exotic !
I love pelicans! We get both brown and white here. Brown are my favorite!

I figured you've seen them Karen. Must be cool to see the white ones too. Have you been birding lately? Or is that usually only in the spring/summer?

Brown pelicans are year round on the coast (same in Cali) and white pelicans are winter only here. Interestingly brown pelicans are divers and white are dabblers or skimmers you might call them, they don't dive.

Spring migration is starting so we're going birding on Saturday and I'm taking a week off in April to go birding. Can't wait!
That sounds fun Karen! Your week off to go birding :). Hope you get to see tons of interesting stuff.

I hope the one I took a pic of is there again as Don says he is from time to time.

Chantal, I finally got to see the video! Poor chicks :(. They're huge too, it's a wonder they can get them down those skinny looking necks!
That sounds fun Karen! Your week off to go birding :). Hope you get to see tons of interesting stuff.

I hope the one I took a pic of is there again as Don says he is from time to time.

Chantal, I finally got to see the video! Poor chicks :(. They're huge too, it's a wonder they can get them down those skinny looking necks!

Isn't it?! We get the white Pelicans here in Saskatoon, and boy are they big. Though I will admit, our Canadian Geese are far more openly aggressive!
Great pictures! Looks like a mutant Pileated woodpecker

LOL..funny...I googled the "Ivory billed " woodpecker just the other day.. researchers claim they discovered one in south florida,even tho they have been considered "extinct" since 1945..maybe this is what became of them :eek: :p

Wow whata thrill his wingspan alone is bigger than me...they are so Beautifully marked and just look at the size of that Bill...I have never seen one of these before Thanks for sharing Julie ...Great pics

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