Pro's and Con's of IRN?


New member
Jan 14, 2012
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Northern Maine
Chubby - Pineapple GCC // Furbie - Rest In Peace my little baby <3
I'm not planning to get one right now, but possibly in the future. I like to do my research ahead of time. Indian Ring necks seem so intelligent and cute. I currently have a GCC and I love his sassy attitude and the little fits he throws when he isn't getting his way, he is adorable. I love him to pieces.

I was wondering if what I heard about the IRN is true. I heard they are incredibly hard to tame, and that even when they are tamed they probably won't want to step up or be petted. I heard they tend to bite more than other birds and overall don't make very good pets. However, I see all these videos of Ring necks who seem to love their owners and seem to make good pets. Are these just special cases?

Also, exactly how loud is a Ringneck? GCC level? Sun conure level? Cockatoo level?

Please tell me the pros and cons! Thanks so much! :-)
I love IRNs... If I had the space for another Cage, then I would defo have one!!
I have 2 Friends who have Ring Necks, One is Blue and the other is Lutino and they are both very Tame and have quite a large vocabluary of words.. They are no harder to Tame than any other Bird :D
I have another friend who breeds them, and she has alot in her Aviary... even with them all making a noise at the same time it would never be as loud as a Sun Conure or Cockatoo... Their noise level IMO is no more than a GCC... Hope this helps you decide :D I would say go for it!!
Here's what i have experienced with them, if you have a well socialized IRN, I don't think you'd have a problem with step up/step down/ recalls, that kind of thing, but they don't generally enjoy being petted or cuddled. They are very smart birds though and seem to do really well with trick training, they seem to love any kind of positive attention. Their call is quieter than my alex's but louder than our conure, if that helps any. Like any bird, they can be loud but teaching them to use words instead of screaming can help and of course, never reinforce behavior you don't want to continue, so if he wants to yell, don't even look at him. From a few breeders I have talked to, I have been told that females actually tend to make better pets, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that would argue that one. They also go through the bluffing stage, if that's something you're prepared for and know how to deal with, I think that is a huge factor in how the bird learns to associate with people. Overall, I absolutely love them! We were actually looking for an IRN when we got our alex, sometimes things don't always work out how you plan though and we love our alex just the same :)

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