Progress with the Untouchables!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Everywhere I read about Alexandrines, they tell me these birds don't care to be touched too much. Then, I see posts like Mr Squak's where his bird is clearly a snuggler! Hmmm...

So, I've been attempting to get the Beaks used to being touched gently by me. It's an uphill battle with Madge, who will only allow me to put my fingertip on her bill while she's eating something wedged firmly in my other hand. Barney, though, is learning! Today, I was able to snuggle him with my whole hand over his head and back, scratching the sides of his face and looking deep into his beady little eyes. It was *wonderful*!!! Of course, as soon as I tried it with Madgie, she bit me. Sigh. Hasten slowly.

Now, here's the really interesting bit. Dominic was out for his daily constitutional and he waddled up beside me on the table. Without even thinking about it, I cupped his body in my hand and snuggled him against my front. Instead of sinking his mandible into my soft, delicate flesh, he just leaned into me AND WENT TO SLEEP!!! Oh! How sweet that was! I just stood there for a full fifteen minutes, snuggling this poor old bird and thinking how lovely he is. Best part of all is that he didn't even bother to give me the usual Daily Chomp today. I remain chompless except for Madge's effort.

Oh, and before I forget, I must tell you something. I've been putting tea tree oil on the nicks and scratches and chomps from the birds. It seems to work extremely well in taking away the inflammation and soreness so that my tendency to look like a hard drug user is reduced. Just FYI. Tea tree oil smells rather strongly and is toxic if ingested (birds???), but you can always wash it off after a while. 22
Yey! How sweet, not to push your luck... but maybe you can snatch a pic next time! Cuddle pics are adorable! :)

Thanks for the tea tree tip, I use savlon cream usually. Not sure if thats a brand you get, but it's also a numbing agent too, which I find most useful haha! Savlon is also bird safe, so something we keep on hand for emergencies for the fids. :)

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