problems with 12 wo alexanderine


New member
Nov 16, 2011
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hay all had my new alex for about 2 weeks. he is only 12 weeks old. few issues with him

- he has just started biting my ears when on my shoulder he didnt do this for the first few days but its really painfull any ideas on getting him to stop I normally say "bad" and put him on the floor but doesn't seem to be working real well.

-baby squawking this is annoying, when on your shoulder he will go right up to my ear and scream the squawk right into it ,really rings my ears sometimes just after.he squawks he tries to bite me . tips?
Hi & welcome, I can really sympathize with you. I just sold the last Alex baby Thursday & my ears are still ringing. The good news is that it does stop in time. The biting though is not to be encouraged. I would not allow your baby on your shoulder until you have gotten to know him/her better, be able to read his body language & build trust. You are the one in control & you must reinforce good behavior. He is only a baby & needs your guidance.
I forgot to ask if your baby is fully weaned & eating a varied diet. Sometimes the baby noise could be because he is hungry. Or are you still feeding formula.
hi he is eating a mixed diet of seed fruit and veg. how should I enforce good behaviour.
Max is 3 months old today... he also hasn't leaned bite inhibition, yet, but he learning every day... He never really bites hard - as in he hasn't drawn blood - but I always go ah! and as soon as he stops I say 'good boy - gentle'.. I also use the 'gentle', when he tries to take a toy a bit rough.. Second pass he'll take it very gently..
I think maybe it's not a good idea to let him on your shoulder yet! Make him earn it. Puck used to misbehave when he was on my shoulder, so I didn't let him up there for a while. Also, it's important, at least at first, to make sure that YOU put him there, not him. You don't want him to claim your shoulder as his territory.

When he bites too hard, put him down and ignore him for a little bit. Don't feel bad giving him a time out.

Lol, I haven't figured out a way to stop Puck from being loud in my ear. I wonder how HIS ears handle it!
I got my 12 week old Alex about 4 weeks ago and I had the same problem with the ear biting!
But I think the baby noise is just adorable! Bert doesn't make his anymore but he used to look so innocent when he was doing it :)

When I first brought him home I put him up on my shoulder and he started nibbling my earlobes and then would bite, HARD. He would also them climb on top of my head repeatedly. Which is a dominance thing. Bert is no longer allowed on my shoulder even though he will try at any chance he gets because he still behaving in a very dominant manner.
So maybe when I trust him and he knows I am the boss he will be allowed back up there but for now he has been relegated to the back of the couch.
But as for how to solve this problem I am so far none the wiser, when I find out I will be the first to let you know!

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