Le sigh - Princess Parrot. He's so unpredictable and he's stressing me out. I've tried ignoring him when he's noisy and rewarding him when he's quiet. Got him a huge parrot mansion. He seems happiest when he's running around the house but then he'll get under the coffee table and act aggressive and territorial. He gets a lot of out of cage time but I just don't really have the type of temperament to cater to him constantly. I give him lots of different kind of organic vegetables. He loves parmaseano reggiano. He takes some kind of attack posture with us randomly. He seems to get very territorial then all of a sudden not. He's gotten more into being inside his cage. Often he stares out the window - possibly yearning to escape me. I don't know how to deal with him. He's constantly screeching. It's literally driving me to drink more. Help!
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