Prayers for Sadie

I have never thought a cat would eat a nutriberry , but heck , my cat likes Total cereal , lolol. Poor Sadie , feel better girlie.
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  • #22
Well, she slept with me, and followed me everywhere this morning so far. She rolled onto her back and grabbed my hand and shoved it in her mouth, so she is getting back to her playful, fiesty self! Right now she's grabbing at my hand as I type. I can see she's had some water, but not sure on food. And she used the litter box!
That's good to hear Roxy ! Pretty Sadie , good girlie :)
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  • #24
When I went to get my second cup of coffee she ate a little bit of food. And now she's in the living room, sitting in the bow window and watching the crazy female cardinal who keeps smashing into it all day. No, I can't seem to discourage that bird from doing this. I put a picture of an owl in it, and the cat is sitting there as well, but she is in love with her reflection or something. I had this for years with another one. For 4 straight years that bird just pecked and flew into all my windows and would not stop sunup to sundown. Never took a mate. Even my neighbors knew about it, lol!
Sadie seems to be on the up and up now :)
Maybe the female cardinal is fighting with the reflection. She may be jealous ?
It's usually the male that has the problems with other males , but I could be wrong , lolol. Poor bird.
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  • #26
I'm starting to wonder if female cardinals around here are mentally ill:D I don't have any close neighbors, yet several of them knew about the previous one for all those years. And now I have another doing it! They've probably noticed this one, too! Lol, I just heard it again!

Sadie has had a few very small meals now. So at least she is taking it easy and not trying to wolf it all down.
Yes , better to eat slow Sadie :)
I have no idea about your females cardinals Roxy , maybe it's something to do with your window , since you have had aothers do the same. Maybe they see something that is inside ? It is very interesting and like you , I would love to know what the heck those females are doing , lolol.
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  • #28
It's not just that window though. It's all of them, but that one is the preferred window. What she should see inside is a cat that wants to grab and eat her, lol!
Sorry to hear about Sadie.It sounds like she is feeling better? I do hope so. I lost my two old guys a couple years ago and it is never ever easy when a beloved pet of any age is sick. Such a silly girl for wanting to eat nutiberries. Oliver is always trying to get into the bag if I don't put it up but I suspect because he thinks Bast has sent him a mondo sized bag of kitty candy (treats)!

Silly Sadie, get better soon kitty girl.
cats are so crazy sometimes! mine will only eat wet and dry with treats, but one likes a little bit of tuna every once in a while, and one used to only eat seafood flavored wet food!
anyway, glad to here Sadie's perking up a bit, i hope she gets well soon!!!
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  • #31
She is much better today. She isn't running around the house like a cow, but other than that is pretty much back to normal. No vomiting, eating small amounts, drinking, using her litter box, wanting cuddling and playing some.

She ate the Nutriberry when I was breaking them in half to put Merlin's meds on them:rolleyes:
Hope all goes well for Sadie!! It is so hard to see them sick!
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At this point I'd say she's about 95% back to her normal self:)

I do worry though about how we will keep managing her symptoms at the rate she's developing intolerances. She is still pretty young, right about 6 years old now, though I don't know her exact birthday. She has either just had it, or is about to have it. I celebrate it on Rowdy's hatch day, which is soon.

I am very relieved though that my purring furball is feeling much better!

Thank you all so much for your well wishes, as I'm sure they helped.
Awww , so glad to hear Sadie is on the mend :) Yay !!
About the Cardinal .....could it be a "very young" male , sometimes they look like the females up to a certain age. Just saying......

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