POTENTIAL African Grey for adoption

Hi Caryn, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and you have our sincere condolences, Not sure where in South Florida you are, but if you decide you need to place Annie in a good bird friendly home let me know, I'm also in Florida........

Funny, I was just thinking that you would be perfect for this bird and even asked her where in Florida she lived.
Do you still have your grey? I was interested in adopting and I do live in Florida.
I have a little boy now and would love for him to have a companion. I would be nervous he would not get along with another male and I have been promising him a girlfriend. I know that sounds silly but I just feel as if he is lonely for the companionship of another grey. I am not interested in breeding as there are so many unwanted birds as it is. I love my grey and even though I am a companion for him, I am not a bird. If you can email me at pricestop@aol.com to let me know I would appreciate it. Thanks so much. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your other bird and your break up of marriage. I hope that things are getting better for you. Even if you have adopted your bird, I wish you the happiness that a person deserves in this life time. We lose too many things that we love and I know for me that my bird has helped me heal after the loss of my son. I named him Shorty because that is what the kids called my son. My little Shorty has brought me so much joy so I feel so sad for you that you lost your one baby and that your marriage collapsed as well.
Thanks so much for your time.
I love to know about your grey.is it Congo African grey have great huge home to offer.I own a mealy amazon .please let me know
This is such a sad story.....It's very painful.... When I was grieving over Cracker's death, I did ignore all my other animals cause it was very painful. I could hardly work cause my tears would drop at work that I hide behind tables or run into the bathroom cause I couldn't hold back my tears. Thankfully my boss knew how much I love my animals she would cover for me while I disappear to regain myself. I was very sad for quite sometime. But eventually I had to get in high gear to care for my other babies cause they're still here and needed me to care for and love them as much as I loved Cracker....
Hi;i dont know if is too late, but i read your message and is like a miracle because i just started to look for a companion for my african grey. Usually birds are given to me to train and place in good homes. But when my african grey came to my .ive, well i just have to say that we found each other again like a miracle. My grey was in a lot of need. His previous family lost controll of him and did not know where to turn. They got my name by friends and when i went to meet him well, we just felt in love. At first i forgot all my sorrows and felt that God put us together for a reason. He was sad and had no feathers at all, none except for his head. I had all kinds of parrots and the gray was not one i looked too much. But this one took my heart, not for the beauty or vocabulary like people usually fall in love with birds. but because he was screaming for the love and attention a bird of this kind calls for. We have been together for 3 years now, he is full of feathers and a big vocabulary and tricks and songs and personallities and i can go on, and on.... Now that he is 8 years young i want to bring a girly to keep him compamy and so he can also share his tricks and songs. He is friendly and is used to all kinds of birds and will love to have another friend. I hope is not too late. Love Lee:grey:
My heart breaks for you. I lost my 16 year old Black Lab. And my 57 year old adopted African Grey to old age. It puts a hole in your heart to lose your best friend. I am interested in adopting.
This was originally posted over two years ago.
I haven't been here in a while and forgot my prior username. I have been owned by two parrots for 18 years give or take. Last week, my beloved severe macaw Sydney died in my arms. It is sadder than I can bear but I did everything I could. Her body was washed for cremation with my tears.

...I would like to adopt your grey i live in south florida as well...my grey died about a year ago..."Optimus" he was my best buddy ...he was there for me when i needed him most...about the only thing i kept was his ring as a memoir before i buried him...i can reached at djbheta@gmail.com ..i frequently check my email
I haven't been here in a while and forgot my prior username. I have been owned by two parrots for 18 years give or take. Last week, my beloved severe macaw Sydney died in my arms. It is sadder than I can bear but I did everything I could. Her body was washed for cremation with my tears.

...I would like to adopt your grey i live in south florida as well...my grey died about a year ago..."Optimus" he was my best buddy ...he was there for me when i needed him most...about the only thing i kept was his ring as a memoir before i buried him...i can reached at djbheta@gmail.com ..i frequently check my email

Your like 3 years late!!!! This is a very old post!!!

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