POTENTIAL African Grey for adoption


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Sep 11, 2010
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I haven't been here in a while and forgot my prior username. I have been owned by two parrots for 18 years give or take. Last week, my beloved severe macaw Sydney died in my arms. It is sadder than I can bear but I did everything I could. Her body was washed for cremation with my tears.

The short part of this though is that I really do not think I can keep my other parrot. She is a great bird, but Sydney was my favourite and seeing the birdie things and the cages and everything just breaks my heart every day. So much has happened to me this past year, a marriage of 21 years ended, I am moving etc and it just seems that God (I am a Christian, I am not trying to offend anyone with a religious reference, just pouring out my heart) is pulling me into an entirely new life. I don't think I can give Annie the love she deserves. I know this sounds terrible, but in my grief I am just being honest. I favoured Sydney and sometimes I am mad that Sydney is the one who was taken. And it is not fair to Annie.

So.... IF the absolute right person comes forward, I think it is in Annie's best interest to find a new person to own. I live in South Florida, and baring some extraordinary circumstance, I would like the potential new family to be in Florida so, quite honestly, I can check them out and I can make sure this is best for Annie.

I haven't 100% made up my mind yet, but if the right person/family is found, I think this is best for Annie. I have to sell my house and where I am moving is not going to be the best place for her either, and I just want her to be happy.

I am so heartbroken over Sydney that I think she is the last parrot to own my heart. She was such a good bird. Life isn't fair.

PS: I am NOT interested in selling Annie. IF I DO find her a new home, I would never consider accepting money. Annie is a family member that might need a better place, she is not a commodity to me.

You can PM me here, and if the forum admins wants to talk to me to make sure I am legit etc, PM me for my phone number etc.

I will miss Sydney forever. I want Annie to have the best life possible.
Oh, Annie is a female, 16 year old African Grey with recent health check. She will step up to anyone. She loves her head scratched by anyone. She is a bit body shy, and it will take time to earn her trust to pet her back. She is a talker though it seems that since Sydney left us all she wants to say is "hello." She used to greet everyone with "Don't poop on the carpet" which was a hoot. Her favourite song is Salt N Pepa's "Push It." Yep, I have an African Grey who likes hip hop booty music. She is Congo, not Timneh. She is large for a Grey but is confirmed female though by her size you would think she was male.
It sounds like you are going through an awful lot right now. You, and perhaps Annie as well, are grieving Sydney's death. I am a long way...but not an impossible distance from you. I have cared for big birds before as a sort of Foster mom...mostly for deployed soldiers. If it helps you to have that as a back up option ...that someone competent could care for Annie for a while until your life settles down and you can be together again, I do this without boarding fee. But if you possibly can try not to make any "forever " decisions right now while you are hurting so bad and so scrambled.
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It sounds like you are going through an awful lot right now. You, and perhaps Annie as well, are grieving Sydney's death. I am a long way...but not an impossible distance from you. I have cared for big birds before as a sort of Foster mom...mostly for deployed soldiers. If it helps you to have that as a back up option ...that someone competent could care for Annie for a while until your life settles down and you can be together again, I do this without boarding fee. But if you possibly can try not to make any "forever " decisions right now while you are hurting so bad and so scrambled.

Thanks Barb. This isn't a spur of the moment thing, but basically I feel like if it is the right thing to do, the perfect person will come along. If not, then it isn't, if that makes any sense. I would really love to find someone with other birds because Annie has never been alone (meaning without another bird around), and I am not getting another parrot in the forseeable future, and most likely, never.

(Again please no offense to anyone, not trying to be preachy), right now it seems like all the doors God is leading me down are to an entirely new life. My prior marriage was abusive, and it is almost like anything at all from that life is getting slowly changed and put away. I even (about two months ago) left a job of fifteen years.

I really just want what's best for everyone. I do not think Annie will like where I will be eventually moving once this house is sold. She had a patio here to hang out on (under supervision of course) on nice days and won't have that.
One small correction (she was alone YEARS ago, but has been with Sydney for all but the first few years of her life).

Yesterday, Sydney would have been 19.
Caryn, my name is Cheryl and am a retired pediatric nurse. I have been looking for a Grey for a couple of years and find that purchasing is out of the question on a pension but would love to adopt.

I had a tiel for several years until his death in an accident while being bird sat by my pastor and family and I was out of town with ill parents.

I do have an avian vet that I would love for you to contact so you would feel confident that she would be well cared for.

I am in Nashville Tn. and do not drive much but have a sister at Kissimi now on vacation. She is also a birdie person. I am baby sitting her Lori now. I do have a cousin with a reporter friend in Miami there also so if you would consider me I would llove to have her.

Sam was well loved and a real charactor. He gave everyone an bit of an interrogation whe they came to my house. He was so much fun and Annie will be as well. I can keep you updated on her when ever you wnated by email but unless you came to visit here then seeh her outside of pictures would be difficult.

I do hope you will consider me as a new mommie for Annie.
Hi there, can you send me a private message with your phone number and a good time to talk? I would love to talk to you to see if there is a good match.
Hoping this works out for you both!!!!
Hi Caryn, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and you have our sincere condolences, Not sure where in South Florida you are, but if you decide you need to place Annie in a good bird friendly home let me know, I'm also in Florida........
Caryn, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope everything works out for you.
(((((((((((((((((Caryn))))))))))))))))) I can feel your broken heart. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine...

I hope you find a loving, forever home for Annie. I know that when the times comes, you may find it harder to let her go than you think right now. I give you much credit for your honestly. I know that God will guide you in finding Annie her perfect home.

Sending love, prayers and strength. xoxox
Hello Caryn,

I am so sorry about your tragic loss. There is one thing that many people will never understand and that is pets are just like our kids in many ways. Grieving from the loss of a pet, especially one which you were so close to is very difficult and traumatic.

Knowing personally that there are several stages of grief that can last for years until one begins the the journey to a new normal without their loved one. I know it may seem unfathomable that you can go on with your other bird knowing that you lost another precious loved one which you seemed to have a much stronger bond with.

All I can say is rushing into a decision during grief can be the worst decision a bereaved person can make. I hope and pray that you find the strength to go on and to make the best decision for you and your other special bird.



I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray to good for you and your family and the lovely parrot.

I am sad to hear that you will have to depart from Annie. If you would please consider me. We lost our conure on August 6th and i have always been fascinated by the greys but never owned one. I would definitely give the bird everything i have got. My conure was so spoiled when it came to food,toys and a cage the would fit me inside with him LOL. Me and my husband both work from home so paying attention to the bird will not be an issue. My parents live with us and they love birds as well. Our conure was best buddies with my mom and me. I have sent you a private message with a phone number if you like to talk. I am actually going to orlando the weekend of 17th sep. Where in FL are you located.

Again my prayers are with you and your family.
Hi everyone, everyone who is interested please send me information by PM, such as your phone number and suitability for having a parrot.

So that I am sure that the situation and decisions are right all around, I am giving this about a month to make a decision, first, whether it is in Annie's best interest to find a new family to own and second about then who that would be.

I look forward to reading your PMs. For those of you who too have lost birds, I am with you in your loss. I cry constantly for Sydney. I now see Annie each time I go to the bird room just staring at Sydney's empty cage.

Again, if you think you may be the right family, PM me with the information. Annie's essential needs are time to spend and play with her, toys, and an outside covered patio area to spend some time. That is her favourite way to spend time.
Oh boy. I hope Annie finds an awesome home. If I hadn't found Paco, I would have loved to put my name in your hat of options. I am a one bird person though. I hope the best for all parties and I hope you post what happens as I am curious !

Also, I am so very sorry for your loss. Some people will never understand how very important and close these animals are to us (and we to them :) ) But I get it. Im sure everyone on this forum gets it.

Best of luck
I'm so sorry for everything that you are having to deal with at the moment and I think that you are doing what is best for all involved. My heart hurts for you, it truly does.

Good luck in finding a home for your beloved Annie.

Where in Florida are you located? I'm in Sarasota.

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