Posting hyperlinks


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
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1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I seem to have a problem posting hyperlinks.
I select the chain icon.
I past my link in the URL box.
I click insert.
I end up with an empty box in my post where the link is supposed to be.

It takes two or three tries before it actually places the link in my post.

Am I the only one with this problem.
Hmmm... I think it sounds familiar to me. I've seen a similar thing on other forums of this type. Rn I don't remember how I was fixing it, but it wasn't very common, it happened just few times to me. I don't post much anymore, but I think it should work by just pasting the link (without the insert link option)
I'm pretty sure if you just paste the link into your post it'll work. Much simpler than trying to use the insert method. You can check before posting by clicking on preview, and it shows the link highlighted as it should be.
I just tried it with the forum address and it worked.

Just a test.

Using hyperlink.

Plane copy and past
Hyperlink came out blank even though I tried.
Odd, because I see your link, and it's active...

I copied it from your post and pasted it here: Can you see it on my post?
Perhaps it's a browser issue. Try clearing cache and all that stuff, or test it with a different browser?
Odd, because I see your link, and it's active...

I copied it from your post and pasted it here: Can you see it on my post?
Perhaps it's a browser issue. Try clearing cache and all that stuff, or test it with a different browser?
Do you see both links.
I copied and pasted it twice.
First using the link icon.

I only see it once below plane copy and paste
Do you see both links.
I copied and pasted it twice.
First using the link icon.

I only see it once below plane copy and paste
Only once, same place.

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