Post-Purchase Psychosis

Sounds like preening behavior to me.

My birds regularly flap their wings to exercise them, either when hanging from the top or the side of their cage. For the most part, it sounds like normal behavior. Give him a few more days to get acclimate.

In the meantime, see if you can get him some toys. Even a paper towel cardboard center stuffed with paper that he can chew on or pull out can help keep him stimulated and help prevent boredom.
Thanks to everyone who answered (: He seems to be doing a little better today. He still gets scared if I get too close, but he's not really afraid to eat or drink in front of me anymore, he was even messing around with the little toy i put in his cage yesterday too. Or, rather, he was messing around with the string it was attached to.

When I got home, he was making this scratching noise with his beak. Here's a quick video - it's really quiet so you may have to turn up the volume to hear it.

Cressy, I can't see the video. The Youtube message says, "this video is private".

DallyTsuka, that bat-bird is adorable!
Blah, I'm dumb. It should be viewable now (: It literally took me hours trying to get that video onto youtube. My phone is dumb.
My tiels also did the beak grinding when they were sleepy! :)
Really? I wonder if he's getting enough sleep at all. Every time I wake up, he's sitting in the corner of the cage, at the darkest place, wide awake! Hopefully he's sleeping while I'm gone - he does his little beak grinding when I get home, but as soon as it gets dark, he's crashing around the cage gnawing on the bars.

Ugh, my grandmother moved his cage to clean up the mess he made while I was at school. When I got home, his cage was sitting on the middle of the floor. He's probably terrified. My grandmother is not a graceful, dainty woman who will move things with care. She tosses things around :(

I'm scared that the little things I do make my birdy nervous. He still shakes a bit sometimes. Is he cold, or is he scared? My brother is a polar bear and likes to make the AC pretty cold sometimes.
beak grinding is a good sign, its a happy sound they make as they settle down to sleep.

to reduce some mess, you can make a seed guard for his cage :) take some cardboard or even an old sheet if you got sewing skills, and make a 3" tall rim for the bottom of his cage, going all the way around it. it will keep in a lot of the mess. might prevent your grandmother from moving his cage like that again lol. and i'd like to think your grandmother moved his cage nicely. :)
Alright I'll try to get a little barrier around him up & going soon (:

So he's no longer running away when I get close. But I've noticed that he shakes a lot. Well my eyesight isn't perfect, and I can really only sort of see it when I get close, and I'm wondering if he's shaking from the cold, or shaking from fear?

I'm not sure if he likes millet. I dropped a bit of it in his food bowl and he doesn't seem to be picking at it. And I know he's hungry cause I've been watching him eat for the last half an hour or so lol

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