Possible pressure sores and maybe overweight

Don't worry... Aloe is not poisonous...
It's used for birds with itchy skin who pluck feathers et al. (For the spray 4 parts water 1 part aloe)
Vet visit - why take a chance... Check with him. If he feels this will not become a serious infection you can always stick to Aloe.
Perch - see if you can give him different sized ones... It'll help him change the way he manages his weight.
Food - start with carrots lightly steamed then peas, sprouts, corn... Don't give up he'll eat it one day. Keep trying new things :)

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I read that the oil droplets from aloe vera can get stuck in bird's lungs and be harmful to them. I forgot that he has eaten corn before, so I'll get him some this weekend. Thanks for your advice!
Just use the sap from inside the plant with 4 parts water. I'm in India I grow it so not sure where you can buy them there. :)
You should get aloe concentrate or something somewhere...
Sorry can't help on where to get them.

Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk

Thanks I might just grind the plant. I think my mom has the plant. I will check.
Yeah that's probably the best option. It's hard to trust what else they might put in that kind of stuff. Straight from the plant is the purest option and I don't think they're that hard to obtain or expensive.

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