Possible First Time Bird Owner =)

I'm going to preface everything here with one rebuttal to your point about seeing a parrot on youtube. You're not seeing every day. you're seeing that perfect few minutes and none of the hardships a parrot will make you endure.

Having said that, conures are great! they're playful cuddly, grumpy and entertaining all without being as hard to handle as the bigger birds despite having similar personalities.

Like any bird, they can make noise, cause mess, make you bleed and drive you beyond the brink of madness. Without proper teaching, taming and training along with a large dose of patience you can end up with a demon animal that would be happy ripping your throat out. You need to be ready to step up to the task at hand. People liken parrots to children but I feel they're in a whole different league, a child can understand you where as a parrot cannot and I'm pretty sure last time I checked a children can't fly or have a pair of scissors stuck to their face.

Even when you do everything right a parrot will still have their tantrums, their moments of biting or screaming at the top of their lungs but after all is said and done you'll sit down, they come over, snuggle up to you and all the frustration will bleed out of you

(also conures smell super nice!)
Sorry if I rain on anyone's parade, but at my EXTREMELY limited experience of 2 Sun Conures (M,F) and a green cheek conure (f). All impulse buy which we never do living or family room furniture.

Both of my girls are much more mellow and snuggly. Winston is always of on a mission, hopefully nothing too expensive. The GCC HATES the Suns so we have to rotate the time out. Little Pickles is like nothing you have every seen darting this way and that.

This family is forever, or as forever as our health will allow it and then they are in my will. I diddn't get to pick every single trait one of my little ones was going to have, and you know what, they are all special people.

My environment would definitely guide my bird selection. Who also gets to have a pit bull that is like 3.5" high and an even bigger heart. My Suns, those are the children my mom said I was always going to have and they are now strategically planted fluff bombs.

So I guess at the end of my soliloquy, let the bird pick you.

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