Portable, collapsible cage


Nov 3, 2016
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Northern Nevada
Fidget - BFA, Addy - Red Lored
I just retired and am hoping to do some traveling this summer and would like to take Fidget with me for most of those trips. I will be traveling for a few days, then visiting a friend for a few days and feel like I need something a bit bigger for the time visiting with friends. I have a small travel cage but its not big enough to keep him in for an extended amount of time. So far, I havent been able to find a smaller cage (but still bigger than the travel cage) that is foldable, will fit in my car and be fast and easy to set up and take down.

However, a friend suggested a stainless steel dog crate. I looked up a few on Amazon and they look like they might work. I found some with a 1.5 inch bar spacing so that should work.

Your thoughts on if this would work, or links to cages that would work for my boy.

Thank you!
I think a stainless steel dog cage will be better as many collapsible cages aren't very stable.

Just a pointer- keep your bird in it's cage the whole time while in the car incase they decide to fly(It'll distract you and can cause an accident-not good!)
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Thank you. I think I will go ahead and buy one. I just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing something about doing that.
Once you get the SS dog cage set it up at home to allow your Amazon to become use to seeing it and with time, visit it and check it out. It will also provide you time to determine with your Amazon's approval where to set perches, food and water bowls and hanging toys as they are all important to your Amazon calling it her /his.

Our DYH Amazon is a long time traveler, far before he came to take-over our home. You will find that each Amazon has their own likes and dislikes regarding travel. Some, like to be in a cage, others do not. With ours, he has very precise wants as to where he is, especially regarding being in the Sunshine. So, be open. Best to run a few half day out and backs to come to an understanding what your Amazon's wants are.

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