Please think before you type

I am really enjoying hearing everyone's viewpoints in this thread, and the fact that every single post is respectful to all.
Thank you all for adding so much wonderful content to this thread.
This is also why I stopped going to FB groups, posting, commenting or reading comments. I just feel like I need to take a Xanax or two afterwards.

Lately I even see a lot of comments of people who don't know anything about bird/parrot keeping that it is "horrible" and that "birds should be free and not be kept as pets, they will forever be unhappy and unable to fly free"

I joke every time whenever Pascal is munching happily on his veggies or pellets, when he is snuggled in my hand and grinding his beak or just preening together with the budgie, that what a poor bird he is. So lousy. Absolutely in depression and unhappy. Free all day in 70m2 flat with us, unclipped. In an aviary just for him with tons toys now. Getting treats and love. Getting vet help asap something is bad. I almost feel bad for him, almost. But yeah, I guess we are horrible people for keeping them for pets, that we are so selfish, eventhough many avid parrot owners spend incredible amount of money on their feathery friends.

On the Croatian FB parrot page some of us were attacked for using pellets instead of seeds, and how horrible we are for promoting pellets... like... I don't need this kind of stress. I am so happy I found this place. It is my little safe haven.

(rant over)
Yeah.... look at this "unhappy" single parrot which is let out for few hours per day:

Personally I am still on 3 fb groups, but two of them aren't really active, so there are no attacks (I left other groups because of such comments). The 3rd one is Czech and seems to be more friendly. I've been thinking about improving my Czech to start writing there but I doubt I will... I'm just afraid.

Also one note: no matter, how great conditions our fids have, we ALL do the best as we can. It's impossible to get perfect conditions. Somewhere I've seen a video why parrots shouldn't be kept at captivity and my favorite reason is space. Now I don't remember how much space exactly parrots need to have space big enough to live almost like in the wild (radius of 1 km?). Who has such big aviary? Almost nobody. So, we all try our best results as possible. Not the perfect results.
I want to add, when I got into parrots i didn't have everything perfect. I had to learn and grow an upgrade. And I keep trying

And I've seen and been part of rescues where the parrot were in large cages with toys. Often in a back bedroom. But they had never left their cages in years, weren't interacted with. That is neglect folks, and those parrots were very psychologically damaged and suffering.

The whole story is more than what we see/read and we are only getting a glimpse.
The forum only works if we are supporting each other.

Take time to post in other members threads, to cheer them on, or supporting their struggles. It isn't always advice that's needed, sometimes just knowing people care. I've seen many threads that could use that.
I will never be that person that is attempting to open the aircraft's door at FL-35000', but, I will be that individual that is pulling them away from that hatch.
I would be the person hitting them over the head with the coffee pot.
I'm guilty of this, both in real life(having a hard time to think before I do actions) and here on the forums. I'm working on it though, I just need to learn from my mistakes!
I think the struggle is real for all of us ;)

Text is just more difficult to tell tone and intent as well
All of this sentiment is great and lot's of good intentions...

But I see newcomers on the forum all the time.
frequently young.
Asking about/wondering about keeping a parrot for themselves.

And I watch them get shot down in flames (in the politest way I'm sure).

I think there are lot's of young people out there capable of caring for a parrot. Judging something like that based on a texted introduction is difficult and I think a lot of those young first-time poster's never come back.
All of this sentiment is great and lot's of good intentions...

But I see newcomers on the forum all the time.
frequently young.
Asking about/wondering about keeping a parrot for themselves.

And I watch them get shot down in flames (in the politest way I'm sure).

I think there are lot's of young people out there capable of caring for a parrot. Judging something like that based on a texted introduction is difficult and I think a lot of those young first-time poster's never come back.
Totally agree with the above and will add my own experience and the first impression I have as a new member. (I am sure glad I do not need to ask for any help with my large birds!)

Obviously I am new and I may very possibly have missed so many of the good, informative or helpful posts/threads so please excuse me if I come across poorly as I honestly do not mean to.

I actually stopped sifting through the macaw posts (the only reason I am here really is to check out macaw content that is new to me) and replies as I honestly found most of the responses so disheartening and unsupportive, dismissive even.

I get the intent from members is likely good, however, newer members coming here for help with new Macs seem to be faced with being almost group shamed or shut down, seems to be the main thing I read as responses to those people asking for help with a newly acquired or a first macaw, from the few threads I opened most seemed to be told to consider rehoming asap, told they are obviously not ready for a large bird or simply given advice that is not relevant or even inline with the original question, seems to be the trendy thinking/behavior (I guessed that maybe the members responding had no clue how to accurately advise and would have just been best to actually say that) - I stopped reading the macaw forum as I found it saddening and quite unpleasant/ unwelcoming even.
It is honestly not helpful to carry on with such an attitude.... the bird is already there with the person and that uneducated inexperienced person reached out for help, so, help!
Macaws are birds, budgies are birds- there is no difference between the help and support the owners should be getting.

Its not just about the words typed- attitude can make all the difference, so can multiple members saying the same discouraging thing and totally ignoring or not addressing the requested information or help but throwing out an uneducated opinion regarding the situation. Answering with an opinion as opposed to support or information is just rude and unkind. Sorry to be so blunt but things need to change if you all really want to help birds have better living conditions. I will give as much of my time and patience to any one who steps up and reaches out asking for bird information or help- it makes much more of an impact and change than throwing out my first thought/opinion which often is simply OMG or what the heck.

I happen to know many macaw and 2 owners who never owned another bird first, who never even knew anything about interacting and caring for birds till they got lumped with a macaw or cocky.... if these sorts of people come here asking for assistance or information, then in all honesty, they are the perfect person to have and interact with a large bird! - they're responsible and trying to research and reach out for help so they can succeed and do the best job they can do as a new bird owner.

I have seen so many "bird" people who think they know it all badly annoy or nearly loose a body part around my mac and my rescue 2 but I have never once seen a frightened or slightly intimidated, new to birds person get into the same stupid situations, WHY? Because they are cautious and open to learning and willing to listen to tips and advice. We all need to be open to new information, learning and teaching situations and not close people out/shut them down.

Working your way up to handling or interacting with the larger birds is honestly not really a thing- there is no smaller bird who can teach the things you need to know... the habits and behaviours you need to be comfortable and make the large bird comfortable simply come with supportive correct information on handling the bird you have.

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes or upset anyone, that is definitely not my intention- I just had to get that off my mind as I was quite bothered after feeling let down from the advices I saw on the macaw threads.
@Shez I can't say as I blame you for your opinions, based on the threads you seem to have read. That's most unfortunate. Thing is, those are not the majority of what's there. Maybe I'm wrong there. Honestly, I don't frequent the Mac forum much since I've never had one, or a Too, so I haven't delved in too deep in a quest for knowledge of a bird that I'll probably never have.

You do make some great points, many of which have been discussed here often, for example, starter birds and that whole concept. Most folks here agree there's no such thing, but it is a common misconception. Just because a budgie or tiel is less expensive overall, doesn't make them any less a parrot, and as you said, doesn't serve as a stepping stone to a larger bird because they're all so different. Even another bird of the same species, because they're such individuals, will likely require an entirely new set of skills or knowledge. The best we can hope for is to always do our best to learn what we can for the feathered friends we have, and always keep learning. I made the sad mistake of thinking I knew enough with my first Amazon. Obviously I was wrong, so I vowed to never let that happen again. Several years later, I still learn new things, or at very least research new ideas and possibilities. All. The. Time.

I do hope you'll stick around, share helpful experience with your birds, and help make the forum better in the process. You are absolutely correct, the fact that people come here to research and look for help with their birds is a great indication that they're trying to do what's best for them. We can all benefit from remembering that, which was the whole intent of this thread.
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All of this sentiment is great and lot's of good intentions...

But I see newcomers on the forum all the time.
frequently young.
Asking about/wondering about keeping a parrot for themselves.

And I watch them get shot down in flames (in the politest way I'm sure).

I think there are lot's of young people out there capable of caring for a parrot. Judging something like that based on a texted introduction is difficult and I think a lot of those young first-time poster's never come back.
Totally agree with the above and will add my own experience and the first impression I have as a new member. (I am sure glad I do not need to ask for any help with my large birds!)

Obviously I am new and I may very possibly have missed so many of the good, informative or helpful posts/threads so please excuse me if I come across poorly as I honestly do not mean to.

I actually stopped sifting through the macaw posts (the only reason I am here really is to check out macaw content that is new to me) and replies as I honestly found most of the responses so disheartening and unsupportive, dismissive even.

I get the intent from members is likely good, however, newer members coming here for help with new Macs seem to be faced with being almost group shamed or shut down, seems to be the main thing I read as responses to those people asking for help with a newly acquired or a first macaw, from the few threads I opened most seemed to be told to consider rehoming asap, told they are obviously not ready for a large bird or simply given advice that is not relevant or even inline with the original question, seems to be the trendy thinking/behavior (I guessed that maybe the members responding had no clue how to accurately advise and would have just been best to actually say that) - I stopped reading the macaw forum as I found it saddening and quite unpleasant/ unwelcoming even.
It is honestly not helpful to carry on with such an attitude.... the bird is already there with the person and that uneducated inexperienced person reached out for help, so, help!
Macaws are birds, budgies are birds- there is no difference between the help and support the owners should be getting.

Its not just about the words typed- attitude can make all the difference, so can multiple members saying the same discouraging thing and totally ignoring or not addressing the requested information or help but throwing out an uneducated opinion regarding the situation. Answering with an opinion as opposed to support or information is just rude and unkind. Sorry to be so blunt but things need to change if you all really want to help birds have better living conditions. I will give as much of my time and patience to any one who steps up and reaches out asking for bird information or help- it makes much more of an impact and change than throwing out my first thought/opinion which often is simply OMG or what the heck.

I happen to know many macaw and 2 owners who never owned another bird first, who never even knew anything about interacting and caring for birds till they got lumped with a macaw or cocky.... if these sorts of people come here asking for assistance or information, then in all honesty, they are the perfect person to have and interact with a large bird! - they're responsible and trying to research and reach out for help so they can succeed and do the best job they can do as a new bird owner.

I have seen so many "bird" people who think they know it all badly annoy or nearly loose a body part around my mac and my rescue 2 but I have never once seen a frightened or slightly intimidated, new to birds person get into the same stupid situations, WHY? Because they are cautious and open to learning and willing to listen to tips and advice. We all need to be open to new information, learning and teaching situations and not close people out/shut them down.

Working your way up to handling or interacting with the larger birds is honestly not really a thing- there is no smaller bird who can teach the things you need to know... the habits and behaviours you need to be comfortable and make the large bird comfortable simply come with supportive correct information on handling the bird you have.

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes or upset anyone, that is definitely not my intention- I just had to get that off my mind as I was quite bothered after feeling let down from the advices I saw on the macaw threads.
The things that you both listed are some of the reasons we posted this sticky.
We all want the forum to be welcoming and to help birds by helping their owners.
The last thing we want is someone to leave and not come back because of the reception they received here.

We Mods are human, and we miss things. If anyone sees a post that is disrespectful or is far off topic to what the OP asks, please send us a PM or use the report button. That way our attention will be brought to it and the Mods will discuss it and make a decision based on that discussion.
To make this forum everything we want and know it could be, I believe if we all work together we will get closer to that goal.

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