Please Pray For Winston

I am no expert but I would say quarantine him for 30 days after his symptoms subside in case it is contagious unless you find out that it is definitely not. I would be scared to death with other birds in the house, as for the heat lamp, I have no idea.
Agreed, 30 days of quarantine, regardless of how he is feeling or if he's back to normal. Same quarantine period for bringing a new bird into a house with prior birds, 30 day minimum...This is because he could still be contagious, but also even more because these bugs often come back within a short amount of time if the antibiotic didn't fully kill it. So the 30 days is a good amount of time to ensure that the bug is fully gone.

As far as the humidifier and the Ceramic Heat Emitter, those are basically help for treating his symptoms and to make him feel better, so whenever you feel that he's breathing normally and no longer wheezing or coughing, and he's no longer fluffing-up, etc., then you can remove the extra heat and the humidity.

Do be sure to keep your other birds in a separate room with a different airspace than Winston, as you don't know if it's an air-borne bug or not...

I'm so glad Winston is doing well, I always love birdies in recovery :)

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