Please help urgent!!


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Hello everyone. As you can see from the pics below, my parrot has started loosing feathers tremendously. Please can any1 help??


I think i would seek a Avian Vets opinion. But i would have to ask how long has this been going on. I do know they go through a hard molt but your bird looks like it's plucked out it's wing feathers.

If you are not feeding a balanced diet of fresh fruit & Veg & only feeding seed that could be the reason. But i am worried there is a more serious problem like a virus.
I would also recommend seeing an avian vet, or at least a vet who knows about parrots even if they don't have the avian recognition.
I agree with the vet recommendation, but can you post a pictures of the entire cage please?

Also, what size is his cage, how many toys are in it, how much time does your bird spend in his cage?
How about a little back ground on your bird, like how did you come by him, is he from a pet shop or privately owned, do you know what kind of care he received before you got him and how long have you had him?
Is he in one if those home made wire cages with paint chipping off? I think you need some blood work done plus check for PBFD!

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