Please help, Snowy has dried blood all over her face

Sorry about that . Things gonna be okay . I will probably pray for it . Good luck with Charlie
Thanks, @Kriss. Charlie is a hyper-sensitive little guy. He overreacts to most everything in the environment. I have learned to be extra mindful around him. I was astonished that the incident barely phased him. He has changed a good bit lately. He was clipped his entire long life before I got him, and he has been flying more than ever. It really seems to have boosted his confidence in life.
I wonder if Snowy was preening herself or another bird to get that blood on her face.

I would look at the other birds as well as at Snowy’s body to see if you can find the site of injury.

Honestly it doesn’t look like that much blood to me. You would be amazed how far a little bit can smear if a bird is flapping or thrashing. I think you don’t need to worry so much. I would also wonder if she bit or injured a blood feather and it eventually got pulled out.
Ok, so little update.

I talked again to the person who cared for them, and she said that the perch with blood on wasn't in the cage once. So that means at one point, another one of my birds got injured without me noticing.

She said that when Snowy had veggies, her face has green all over. So maybe it dried to a red colour. I checked her face for any wounds and can't really see anything(Snowy didn't like being held so she wiggled the whole time.) What I did notice, is that here are some clots of dried blood near the base of her feathers.

I think the broke a blood feather, or got into a fight with one of the birds.
How is she feeling now? With you finding the other blood near the base of her feathers I'd say that it was a blood feather that she either got out or it stopped bleeding. That has happened with Ekko a couple of times where it stopped bleeding before I could get corn starch on it.
I think it's possibly a blood feather, but I have no idea.

Snowsy is doing OK today.
I need help with Snowy.

I was on holiday recently, and when I asked for some pics of the birds, the person who was caring for them sent me a video, and I couldn't help but notice that Snowy's face is red. I asked if she had veggies recently, and the answer was yes. The thing is, their chop is mainly green.

So I just came home and saw her face was still red. Whatever the substance is, it's red. I saw on one of the perches that there is dried blood. It is likely Snowy's, because the other budgies have no injuries whatsoever or dried blood on them.

My parents think there is nothing wrong and I should just keep an eye on it. What do you guys think? Is it serious? I will share a pic in the next post.
Allow me to toss out another train of said parents fed veggies to your birds ..could they possibly have fed something like strawberries or raspberries? I fed raspberries to my budgies and the white one looked like a blood bath for about a week and the perches had red all over them ...just a thought
Allow me to toss out another train of said parents fed veggies to your birds ..could they possibly have fed something like strawberries or raspberries? I fed raspberries to my budgies and the white one looked like a blood bath for about a week and the perches had red all over them ...just a thought
No, they didn't have strawberries or raspberries.
I hope Snowy will be okay.

While it could be from an older wound, and if you do not see any further bleeding or further staining I wouldn't worry too much.

Just a little thought - do you happen to have a mineral block that is reddish/brownish in colour by any chance? Our budgie sometimes has a bath, and then wet like that just starts destroying the pink mineral block we have so she looks like she tried to murder something.
I hope Snowy will be okay.

While it could be from an older wound, and if you do not see any further bleeding or further staining I wouldn't worry too much.
Snowy is ok now. She does seem a bit lethargic, but there is no active bleeding.
Just a little thought - do you happen to have a mineral block that is reddish/brownish in colour by any chance? Our budgie sometimes has a bath, and then wet like that just starts destroying the pink mineral block we have so she looks like she tried to murder something.
I have a pink mineral block but it isn't currently in the cage.
Snowy is ok now. She does seem a bit lethargic, but there is no active bleeding.

I have a pink mineral block but it isn't currently in the cage.
I wonder if Willow would use a FLAVORED mineral block and keep his beak -tooth chewed down? He doesn’t like the cuttlebone or white mineral block.

Anyone have suggestions for getting a bird that doesn’t like to chew, to keep his beak trimmed? Willow gets a tiny bloodletting fang on the end of his beak. It’s very thin but still draws blood.

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