Please help me ! :(


New member
Aug 12, 2010
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When i woke up this morning i saw my budgie had one of its wing's feather seems like broken... :( i was very worried so i took him out of his cage but he couldnt fly he tries to but cant... he seems to be normal, happy and healthy as always plays with his toys eats but he cant fly.

could you please tell me what to do :( :(



As long as he isn't bleeding, he will probably be fine. From those pics, 'he' looks 'she'. Is the cere blue? At a guess 'he' is about 4 months old. He will moult out that feather in about 2 months if I'm correct.
he isnt bleeding at all... thank you for your reply i hope he'll be fine im very worried that he wont be able to fly anymore
Welcome to the forum. ;)

Isn't it strange that he cant fly because of one feather? I would investigate it a bit more, dont you think?
That's what I was thinking.... I suppose it may throw him off flying a bit for a little while, but it is a bit strange, maybe just check out the whole wing? Feel the bones and such.
Losing one feather wouldn't affect flying at all - but do you think having it stick out in such a way could just be more of a deterrent? I suspect it feels odd when he tries to flap his (or her) wing so he could just stop.

In any case he wouldn't be in any danger - the feather will fall out with the next molt, or perhaps sooner. It could be plucked out to get it out of the way, but I'd leave this in the hands of someone who's done it before.
Our breeder has told us that we can clip off feathers that break like that...just snip at the broken place if it's bothering the bird. I also wouldn't think that it would greatly affect his ability to fly, but it probably is annoying.

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