Please can I have the honest good bad and ugly of a white belly caique .


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Feb 9, 2020
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Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
So. We have been asked to take on mango, the white belly we looked after last year.

Can I get as much information about them as possible and how can I safely introduce her to my girls ? I know we can't guarantee they will get on but I do want to be able to have every one out at the same time if possible.

Thank you !
Well you had him for a time, so you know the bird a bit. Caiques are just so non-stop all the time, I would think they will need to be supervised, closely, when both are out. Caiques usually do not do well with other birds. Just what I've read, not experienced.
She was super sweet but we didn't mix her as it was already stressful enough . We are looking after her again on Saturday and we are off from Friday so we are good.

She's just had a full work up at the vets with a clean bill of health too
I've had a caique and in my experience...

1. You're looking at 24/7 chaos. They're very tiring to own because they need supervision as long as they're out.

2. They bite without warning--and they bite HARD. They can and will inflict physical harm; I still have many scars on my fingers from those bites.

3. They're not usually fond of other birds, and it's also worth noting that their flockmates could easily get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of chaos.

4. They crave attention non-stop, and are very prone to behavioral issues if they don't receive the love they need.

5. They're emotional and prone to tantrums, which involve periods of aggressive behavior for seemingly no reason.

6. They're extremely smart and amazing at learning tricks; however, their intelligence can also put them in some difficult situations. Do NOT let them into an area that isn't bird-proofed.

7. They need to be kept busy to avoid boredom, and trust me that you do NOT want a bored caique.

8. They're lots of fun and bring tons of joy--if you can cope with the downsides. For me, the good moments easily outweighed the bad ones, but this is definitely not true for everybody.
I've had a caique and in my experience...

1. You're looking at 24/7 chaos. They're very tiring to own because they need supervision as long as they're out.

2. They bite without warning--and they bite HARD. They can and will inflict physical harm; I still have many scars on my fingers from those bites.

3. They're not usually fond of other birds, and it's also worth noting that their flockmates could easily get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of chaos.

4. They crave attention non-stop, and are very prone to behavioral issues if they don't receive the love they need.

5. They're emotional and prone to tantrums, which involve periods of aggressive behavior for seemingly no reason.

6. They're extremely smart and amazing at learning tricks; however, their intelligence can also put them in some difficult situations. Do NOT let them into an area that isn't bird-proofed.
7. They need to be kept busy to avoid boredom, and trust me that you do NOT want a bored caique.

8. They're lots of fun and bring tons of joy--if you can cope with the downsides. For me, the good moments easily outweighed the bad ones, but this is definitely not true for everybody.
Thank you for this . We saw the bite damage when she stayed but I think the bite was my fault as she was unsure about stepping up
I've never had a caique but from my recent research into the loudest parrots they are in the top 10 with screams reaching over 90db

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