Planning for the future


May 13, 2014
Blue Headed Pionus 3yo (Jewel), Green Cheek Conure 3yo (Charlie), Congo African Grey 5yo (Baby Girl), White Capped Pionus 1yo (Leo), Blue Fronted Amazon 4yo (Zora)
Hi all,
So I currently have a 1 1/2 year old Blue Headed Pionus (she is our first bird), and though we are not getting another bird just yet I want to at least start planning for our next bird. My boys are pushing for an African Grey. Now my boys are currently 3, 9 and 12 years old. And of course, my toddler does not handle our bird, an occasional pet here and there but never handle, and will not for a long time. But the other two do handle and help care for Jewel, as they will any future bird we bring into our home. Here's my Question....
Would I be better off adopting an older bird, or starting out with a baby that can acclimate to our household? I mean, with my having just under a year of bird experience, and children in my home, and a dog, etc. I know every bird is different in their own, but from experiences or word-of-mouth, what would you recommend and for what reasons?
Well in my case I got VERY lucky and ended up with a lovely four year old grey that is fantastic with everyone including my 12 year old son. I also avoided the "terrible two's" although I'm not sure how prevalent that is in greys? I know it's big in Macaws and cockatoos. So that's been my experience...someone else did all the hard work in raising her to be totally awesome...not sure that's always the case though. Good luck in whatever you decide!
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You are a lucky duck! That would be ideal! I may have to inquire about the terrible two's, I thought it was prevalent in all parrots... but now I don't recall what specifically made me think that.. ?
we got a baby male tag after lots of research...these guys need lots of attention...ours is great..lots of out of cage time...if your kids are helpful i think it would be good for them growing up... you do here of really nice grays folks have adopted...some not so nice...good luck

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