Pionus personality question


New member
Dec 21, 2014
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Senegal -Honeybird
BH Pionus - Indigo
Hi all
I recently got a blue headed pionus, Indigo, and am curious about their personalities in general. I have a sweet 21 year old Senegal that I got as a weaned baby and have fostered several conures over the years. I have read a lot about pionus personalities but I think I just need some reassurance :) I am used to more boisterous and affectionate parrots and my new guy is quite reserved. He will step up for anyone (he is a year old) but really isn't terribley interested in being near me. He will wander around the table then beg to back to his cage. Is this typical of the pionus species and I am just used to my other parrots? Another possibility is that I only have had him 3 days and he will take time to warm up? All of my previous experience is with birds who instantly wanted to hang out and be petted. Thanks!
Amazon lite, is how I refer to these guys.

And they tend to be very independent. Can be perch potatoes...

These birds need to get to know you first...
I have a Blue Headed Pi who is almost 3. When we first got him he was 18 months old, and did not really want much interaction. It did not take long at all for him to want us to hold him all the time, he gives kisses, and loves his scritches. His favourite spot is on my husband's shoulder under his hair, cuddling. He also is fine being independent, and he plays all the time. All birds are different, but yours may end up like my guy is after he settles in, but even if he is never that affectionate, they are absolutely wonderful birds:)
Congrats on bringing Indigo into your family and I would LOVE to see pictures of he and Honeybird!
Thank you for the replies! He is a nice guy that I hope warms up more and let's me scratch his cute little blue head. If not, I have my Honeybird for snuggles. :) I'm not sure how to add a pic though?
In a nutshell, what Birdman said above. Exactly :). It's widely believed they're close relatives of Amazons, which explains the 'Amazon lite' ;). Pi's are generally not as extroverted and outgoing as Amazons though. Some mature males can be harder to handle during hormonal times, but how much varies from bird to bord, as well as your individual bond.
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I think our Pionus is...well, unique.

I've done a lot of reading that suggests that Pionus parrots are some of the more "independent" types of birds, and Ori is certainly not one of those Pionuses. She's a blue-crown, and she's extremely needy in terms of interaction.

That said, she doesn't much like to be cuddled, she just needs to be wherever we are--whether that's "head-surfing" or following on foot, she can't stand to be left alone. She's also quite loud, I think, for a Pionus, and often gives our Sun Conure a run for her money.

If our birds have taught me anything, it's that you can do all the research in the world about specific species, but individuals vary just as much as parrots due species to species. Craziness. I will say though that the common thread in Pionus is that they all seem to be adored by their owners, and in that regard, Ori is no exception. :)
They're individuals yes, but there are still general traits of the different parrot species that can't be ignored ;). Independent doesn't necessarily mean that they don't want to be near you all the time if that's the way they were brought up. It means they might not have as hard a time and make a huge deal if say that one day an emergency came up and you had to spend much less time that day with the bird, or that in general as a species they're more resistant to the common behavioral problems if an owner should have a very full time schedule.

I do get what you mean, but saying that "individuals vary just as much as parrots do species to species" IMHO sounds like it's discounting more of the species part is all. In that case it should make no difference if someone considered a Cockatoo or a Cockatiel (either or) being that they're induviduals ;).

I think too when people say Pionus are quiet, it's based on that most don't screech incessantly. While I can see the volume can easily at least match your Sun Conure, they're not as loud as other parrots their size or larger. It's also what each of us thinks of as "loud". Personally I think loud is a Cockatoo, Macaw, Eclectus... :)
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Hi Lady,
I'm so happy to hear that you got a Pi. I personally think they are under appreciated and beautiful, but I'm a pionus person! I have a White Cap. I don't know that I would call them reserved. I think they are more of a one person bird. My Pi reminds me of a cat. He wants the attention on his terms. Like the replies above my baby doesn't seem to want much cuddling but he wants to be in the thick of things. He does love to have his kisses and his eyes rubbed. I think that last part may be just particular to him. He does like more one on one attention, but he likes it mostly in short bursts. I think any bird can be loud. They have nowhere near the capacity for noise that some other birds do. I know someone else already said this, they can be perch potatoes. Mine is active enough though. He has shredded some of my furniture and we go through blinds pretty quickly. By the way, I also love Pi smell! Some people don't care for it. I know I'm jaded, but I think my boy is perfect. :)

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