Pink Feathers


New member
Mar 27, 2014
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Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
I was wondering who has pink feathers. Buzz has three pink feather on his neck, all symmetrically placed. I've been reading about them and found info saying it could be a cross breed with a TAG, Buzz is a CAG. I've also found documentation that it's pigmentation too. Me? I love his pink feathers!


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I don't have an AG, but pink or red feathers are most often due to damaged feather follicles or health issues. Rarely is it a sign of a mutation. [in the pet trade]

Many greys who have plucked or mutilated may have extra red feathers due to the damaged follicles.

I'm not sure who said that the feathers could be a sign of hybridization, as I can confirm that TAG/CAG hybrids *do not* have extra pink feathers. Hybrids between the two most often end up looking like something inbetween. Lighter feathers like a CAG, but slightly darker, or completely dark beak, like a CAG. Feathers may be darker than a CAG, and tail feathers may also be a little more TAG like.

Here are two different hybrid african greys...

The only way I can think of to put pink feathers in an AG through hybridization, would be to breed it with one of the Poi species. To be honest, I'm not even sure if it would be possible to transfer "pink" feathers to a hybrid...

The only AG hybrid I'm aware of that is not like the others has greenish body feathers and a very *striking* red diaper. I'm very much interested in seeing how this hybrid looks like as an adult! Will the bird keep the juvenile coloration? Or lose/obtain more coloration?
I don't know why Buzz would have those feathers on his neck, however, I have a friend whose CAG also has a few feathers like that on her bird (on the neck also interestingly enough).
I think Buzz is gorgeous and is getting in touch with his feminine side. :) :D
It could very well be from a damaged feather follicle, or just an anomaly?

Dr Irene Pepperburg's Alex had a red feather on his neck, too... however, it was due to him plucking at one point in time. When he passed on, he was in great feather. Prior to the plucking incident, he never had any extra red feathers.

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