

Mar 8, 2010
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Washington State
Riley-white faced grey cockatiel (hatch date 6-28-2014) RIP Halloween-pied cockatiel
ok I finally it to work the first pic is of Halloween the second one is of Hallows eve. I wil post more pics later but those are all I have at the moment.
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Pretty birds. Good sized cage, too. If you're looking for a good deal on toys... try King's Cages - Avian and Pet Bird Cages, Supplies, Food, Toys, Perches, Aviaries, Pluck No More. They have free shipping on orders over 50 bucks, and even if you don't get 50 bucks worth of stuff quite a few of the toys just come with free shipping anyways. From my experience with 'tiels, and I have had 3... they LOVE shreddable toys. Natural rope, wood, things they can work at and pick apart to keep busy. Acrylic toys are good and they love those as well, but investing in non-plastic toys is a great idea for a 'tiel. My last 'tiel loved "planet pleasures" toys... they make bird pinatas and a lot of natural things... if you got your birds from petco, they usually have a decent selection of them there. You'll find that they spend tons of time playing, and a variety of 6 to 7 toys in the cage is important, as is rotating where they are placed periodically and replacing them and buying new toys as they are worn, or the bird becomes bored with them.
Yeah payday is the 12th and I will be purchaseing more toys I am also planning to buy a bigger cage that has for $80. The cage I am planning to by is ALOT wider and just larger in general.While I did get the birds at petco I typically don't shop there as, at least here anyways, petco is typically 2-3 dollars more expensive on EVERYTHING than other stores. Really the only time I go there is to hold a ferret which the last trip obviously I ended up with two birds and did not get to hold a ferret at all lol. You can't really see any of their toys in ther but I do love the "shredders" woven toy and that is in there (I took some of what I bought my grandmas parakeets) and I also have a few wood chew on the cage floor. I have never liked the idea of plastic toys for the birds I was reading the back of a "toy pack" at petsmart the other day it came with 3 plastic toys and it even said on the back "Toys may cause intrapment, injury or even death" I instantly put it back and told my mom that that just confirmed my suspision about plastic toys. They will be getting some shredable toys and foraging toys payday along with some other stuff (like a higher quality of pellets because they will not be on a seed diet).

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