

New member
Jun 21, 2012
Pico landed in my life on Thursday. He is a wonderful bird!
He joined our flock quite unexpectedly, as his previous home could no longer keep him due to their child's severe allergies. He will be greatly missed by them I know.


Oh wow! He looks amazing!

I hear they are crazy hard to look after though. Best of luck!
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  • #3
Thank you.:) Not hard to care for, just really should have someone home in the day, and lots of room.
Gorgeous and soooo very cute !!!
Please post more pictures when you can ?
We would love to see more of Pico :)
Good luck with him and I'm sure this family has great trust in you to take care of their baby:)
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Thank you all! He is very sweet.:07: Yesterday he decided to help with breakfast.:04:
Oh how cute :)
Your pictures are beautiful !
Thanks for sharing :)
OMG! He is SO CUTE! I have always admired them. He is absolutely beautiful. Please give us updates on his personality, I've often wondered about them. :D
Ohhh yes!! POTD!

He's gorgeous!! What is he exactly? I know a toucan of sorts. At least I think so anyway. :)
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  • #17
Thank you all for the kind words! I just got word that Pico's dbl flight has shipped! I am excited and anxious to give him his new home with more space. Yesterday we celebrated his 3rd, and Jewels' first hatchday.:cool:
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  • #18
update pics!

I gave his dble flight to a little black capped conure that showed up in my tree, and Pico got this SS EH cage

Pico loves to try and get in my shirt!:D
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  • #20
** Species:) he is a Green Aracari- in the toucan family. Thank you!:2_smile:

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