Picky birds grrr


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Rocky...Yellow Crown Amazon....

Smokey Congo Grey....

Shamrock Male Eclectus.......

Baby Female Congo Grey.....
Cookie.....Aztec Conure
I ordered 4lbs of Kathies mix from mysafebirdstore.com and our new grey(Baby) won't anything but Zupreme Natural pellets and some veggies , Smokey will eat some but not the pellets and she puts tons of pellets in her mix so it's hard to take out all of the pellets and also now he has decided he doesn't like his Intune pellets any more , he only likes goldenfeast central American mix along with Cariibian South or Carribian Bounty Shamrock loves any kind of Goldenfeast plus his veggies and Rocky typical Amazon loves any kind of food lol at least I have one that isn't picky I guess I'am off to the bird store Friday to get some more Goldenfeast now what to do with Kathies mix ? life would be so simple if they would all just eat one certain kind of food , guess I will feed Kathies mix to Rocky he is the only one that will eat the pellets in it and he has a lot of mix to eat , also I ordered some Higgins seed mix for Rocky and Smokey but I'am not to thrilled about it , it has tons of safflower seeds in it :( and not much else , I was really disappointed in it when I seen what was in the bag :( back to using goldenfeast central for my seed mix

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