Picking up greening macaw

i guess he just hates men....

[ame="http://youtu.be/5ZeVg31TyCc"]Mikey - YouTube[/ame]

but he likes my kids ....
[ame=http://youtu.be/0YfDKQbbSVc]Mikey - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu-eromseDY&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Mikey our very aggressive GW macaw - YouTube[/ame]
Back away from the regurgitating parrot! LOL. How old is your macaw? I wonder if the bird is sexually mature and picking you as the mate. Oh the gift of regurgitated food the bird was trying to give you..yum huh?

I would probably quite petting him on the back and under wings, shorten his daylight to get the hormones to drop. My Illiger's macaw use to lye on my neck while watch TV and coo me to sleep. After I would fall asleep (nod off not really "sleeping" with a parrot) he would regurgitate food up and wipe it on my cheek. Just GROSS but I understood what he was doing and cut that off right away. I have to say he made the cutest most soothing sounds when he was "charming" me. *sigh Geeze I miss that bird so so much.


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