Phoenix is home


New member
May 9, 2013
Lucy (B&G Macaw), Phoenix (Camilla Macaw), Gizmo (Goffin Cockatoo),
Rita (Military Macaw),
Mango (Goffin Cockatoo),
Phoenix is home now. He is doing good. He wants to be near Lucy, but she isn't to sure about him yet though she is mimicing some of the stuff he does in his cage when she is in hers (he will hang upside down to eat or upside down by one toe just looking at you). She doesn't like it when her mommy or daddy pet him or he steps up on them though. She starts pulling at our cloths or will jump on you if he is on you. He is back to hand feeding twice a day since he sees us doing it to Lucy, and was around the babies at the store when they did it to them. He actually opens his beak all the way and seems to inhale it. If you don't go fast enough for him he will scream as your doing it lol. He has started to try and give kisses if you do it to Lucy first, but he is still really ruff, and I almost lost my bottom lip lol.We have had a couple hard biting incidents one on my wife, and once he broke skin on me, but he is already making progress. He was always quite at the store, but have now found out he gets very loud at sunset, and right after sunset. Screaming, and hollaring for about 5 or 10 minutes then he's fine. The first night he did it I was looking at my wife when he was doing laughing so hard I was crying because he never made a sound at the store, and I didn't want a Cockatoo that she did because they're so loud, and high pitched lol.
Now that's not fair. No pictures??? ;) (KIDDING!!!)

Watch that lip!! OUCHY!!!! I actually got a good nip from Niko on my lower lip this morning when I gave him the "good morning kiss". :(

AAAWWW, so he wants hand-feeding again, I guess for re-assurance. New home, new environment, new everything.

Now wait until Lucy picks up the hollering from him. Ripley sure taught Niko in NO time what a Macaw can do with his voice. Luckily they don't do it all that often (together).

You all must be SO happy he's finally home with you!! Let the adventures begin. :)
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It's been amazing already. We have had a couple small tiffs. Yesterday he bit my wife good. She picked him up, put him in his cage while telling him he was a bad bird, and he wasn't going to do that (of course with that mad mom voice that we dread hearing as kids) then put him in the cage. He has been super close to her since. Then it was my turn today. As we were getting ready to go to church I walked over by him, to do something with Lucy he grabbed my thumb, and bit down hard enough to draw blood. I went to pick him up, and I think at that point he realized "Man, I screwed up" because he jumped off the play stand, and tried running then tried flying from me. You would have thought I was killing the bird because he took off running on the floor, and started screaming as soon as he saw the look on my face, and I wasn't even near him. Put him in his cage. I took him out when we got back from church, and he has been doing pretty good now. Will now let me rub his wings, and under them without a flinch. He enjoys looking out the window watching things. He was really intrigued by the neighbor mowing the lawn, until he got close to our house. Then it freaked him out, and he climbed on me. When the guy got close to our house mowing his side of the lawn it must have really scared him because he tried flying to the cages so I set him in his cage to he could feel safe. He has been doing good since though if you're eating pizza he will try and take your crust, and is eyeballing your pizza the whole time.
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Give him some pizza !! :)
... I went to pick him up, and I think at that point he realized "Man, I screwed up" because he jumped off the play stand, and tried running then tried flying from me. You would have thought I was killing the bird because he took off running on the floor, and started screaming as soon as he saw the look on my face, and I wasn't even near him. QUOTE]

WHAT a visual right there! LOL!!!!

He is one smart cookie!!! :D
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Well things have progressed so well. A lot faster then we thought, and the breeder at the store. It's still going to be a bit of a long road, but we are shocked at how well he is doing already. Here's a pic finally, and man my house looks like a mess in the background. I swear it isn't that bad lol.

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