Parrots love bottle caps


Mar 22, 2020
Indian Ringneck (Kiwi)
Macaw (Lio)
Cockatiel (Pablo)
Are my birds the only ones who are absolutely obsessed with soda/waterbottle caps? they go nuts

I often collect multiple caps and drill a little hole in the middle and attach them to bird safe strings , keeps them busy for hours

Or i put some orange juice in them and they use them as little cups, so cute lol
LOL- mine likes the plastic ones. The metal ones aren't safe though, in most cases (due to zinc content, paint etc).

Noodles was using a water-bottle cap to scoop up only red pellets a few days ago. So silly.

I tried filling them with water-- she definitely would like juice but I'm not sure I could handle Noodles on juice lol. She thinks apple juice is like crack (even when EXTREMELY diluted) lol.
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Our ekkie loves the plastic bottle caps, but I have to keep a very close eye because he just tears them apart eventually. *sigh, I wish he were kinder to his toys.
Something about them i know [ame=""]Posh African grey prefers to drink from her cup - YouTube[/ame]

Enzo also likes corks from bottles and when I make a coffee she always has to greet the plastic cap on the milk bottle, i think they just like lids :)
A while back, the Rb was using bottle-caps to predict football and soccer results. I posted videos here. He was, like, 10 for 10 correct before my nerves gave out and I stopped!

Yeah, bottle caps are the best! Free, clean, safe, plentiful, colorful...
Yup, every parrot I have ever had loved to play with bottlecaps. Salty in particular has arguements with them and then throws them out of his cage. My little BeeBee parrot Max (RIP) hated the red ones.

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