Parrots Bill of Rights

I tell all my friends with dogs that training parrots takes the utmost in patience.
Just one wrong move with a parrot can destroy months of work. They are like having
little toddlers around that do what they want.

I like this bill of rights, but I would like to add something.

A parrot is a very little and helpless bird that cannot stand its ground or defend itself in any meaningful way against a big lumbering human.

If he wants to go in his cage, I let him. If he is in cage, I do not grab him and make him come out. If he wants to come out, he will step up onto my finger, or he'll come out himself.

If I am holding him and he squirms or indicate that he wants to be released, I let him go immediately.

Please allow your parrot to have his own space. Sometimes they just want to chill out without being held. You will see that if you respect your bird's wishes, your bird will love you even more.
Oh, my this "Bill of Rights"!
This is so creative and true! back to the jungle thing they actually spend 50-70% of daylight forageing for food so be kind and buy me a foraging toy! :grey:
very nice and interesting thread .. thanks fro sharing it ;)

great regards everyone
This thread never gets old!

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