Parrots apparently like tea…


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)

I lost my tea drinking Jenday conure to my sun conure who she prefers over me. I finally was able to drink tea in peace without company. Until I adopted my macaw. He likes tea too, and I didn’t figure this out for the first 4-5 months I’ve had him. He has a broken wing so he can’t just fly to get to the tea so he just sat there, and screamed. I finally decided to give him a sip. The screaming instantly stopped.

My peaceful mornings were short lived 😂😂😂
One of my budgies likes cold beer. A tiny sip out of the rim of the can is all she gets. They seem to want to taste everything we eat and drink. They like orange juice. We need to be careful that they don't decide to bathe in whatever we're drinking. I wouldn't want to have to wash OJ, Coke or coffee off a budgie!
My bird is not a tea lover. I have offered to share my herbal tea with him and he has no interest. Coconut water is his favorite. He is also a fan of fresh-squeezed orange juice (Cara Cara variety only, please!) and watermelon juice. He drinks from a little spoon, preferably with me holding it at the appropriate height. He is a little spoiled. 😜
Ona loves tea. She will try to get in the tea cups and chew on the tea bags….. Usually when I make myself a cup I make her a Birdie tea blend in her own cup at the same time. It distracts her for a few minutes at least 😂 She’s even worse with coffee. She LOVES coffee and tries relentlessly to get it.
Anakin loved coffee. It took a year and a half for me to realize it. He was an absolute coffee snob. Had to be just the right temperature and FRESH! You didn't serve him microwaved would be wearing it. Tried every brand of decaf I could find. Neither one of us liked that stuff. Finally gave up and let him have it as he only drank a small thimble full. Surprisingly he was much better behaved when he was allow his little sip of coffee. Vet didn't say anything except "how does he take it?"
Answer was "black".
We just got home from work and make roast beef sandwiches and popped open a couple cans of Corona, and gave Joey the (five month old) baby budgie and nice fat piece of millet for being such a good girl. She took a fewvbites of millet and flew over to sample the sandwiches and and sip beer out the rim of the can. She's going to want to eat at the buffets in Vegas now!
My little terrors go nuts for Veggie Straws (potato chip-like, but are shaped like a straw and made with spinach, tomatoes, and potato puree). Vortex isn't so hot on them but will eat them if I dump one in her bowl. Charlie and Redshift act like piranhas and will fight for the best spot to devour them at the side of the cage.
Once when my old YCA George had a minor digestive upset, his vet suggested that I give him some lukewarm weak tea with just a tiny bit of sugar in it. George really liked it and once in a while when I made tea for myself, I would give George a little of his own.
I offer some of my budgies a bottle cap full of OJ. If I give them any more they will try to bathe in it.

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