Parrots allergic to parrots?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
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Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
I just read an Ask Lafeber inquiry about IRNs housed in a large cage with cockatiels (something if never try, regardless),
LaFeber didn't recommend it either, but added that cockatiels are powder birds and IRN are not, and that IRNs can be allergic to 'tiel powder! If true, I would assume cockatoo powder too. I had never heard of this and I read a lot about h p
So is it a true allergy or a hypersensitivity reaction?
So is it a true allergy or a hypersensitivity reaction?
Hypersensitivity, I think. I am pretty sure it's because they don't have filtering feathers around the nostrils (Old World parrots do).
When I was adopting my last parrot at a shelter they had a sectioned off area for just the cockatoo’s. I was informed the dust & dander can get the other parrots sick. They had a few umbrellas, a citron, a Moluccan, a Triton, and a Lesser-sulfur. I was under the impression that all parrots in the cockatoo species are dusty. I knew my cockatiel growing up was dusty. I myself didn’t find it that terrible. I have minimal experience with the larger cockatoos to even comment on how dusty they are.
I was warned to be careful of my first Pionus, August when I had cockatiels because of the tiel powder issue.
I had a Goffins Cockatoo and she was very dusty. If you wore black, touched her, then rubbed your hand on your clothes you'd leave a hand mark.
A cockatoo hug will turn your clothes white. But so worth it. When they molt it's like living inside a running cotton gin.

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