Parrotlet Care Tips and Advice

If you have Amazon just do a search for seagrass bird toys. Or a Google search if you don't have Amazon. You will see countless seagrass bird toys. They are usually a woven mat with little toys attached to it. My birds love them and slowly take them apart.
Make sure you remove all apple seeds before giving her pieced of apple. They are poisonous to birds.
Thank you!! thats a peice of information i didnt have ! writting down in her folder ( at 66 i dont trust my memory to remember everything doupt id forget that but better safe then sorry! ) now my cockatials loved hard boiled egg shells...a treat they looked forward to and would sing the minute they saw me breaking some up lol those they ate from my hand and they wore careful not to accidentdently bite me because if i got bit the egg shell went away at least for a little while lol
Generally, apple branches are fine. At this point I would hesitate to make too many changes at once. Let her settle in. Her whole world is changed.
Generally, apple branches are fine. At this point I would hesitate to make too many changes at once. Let her settle in. Her whole world is changed.
lol that is not a problem it is winter here and COLD outside!!! i personally HATE being cold so i dont go outside at all in the winter unless I HAVE to like for drs appts, vet apps, and sunday for church.... i give spike the shopping list and off he goes lol im not
thrilled with being outside lol im a simi function agoraphobic so..... the house is basically my world lol although i do in the summer take the dogs and walk them on our block...i dont like it but its good for them soooo you do what you have to do for your kids regardless of speices lol and they have learned theyd better behave when where walking or they dont get walked again for awhile lol
Parrotlets can be thought of as mini Amazons, they have much of the same personality ranges. BUT - they are 100% fearless and do not know how tiny they are. And add a healthy dose of stubbornness. Their body language is more subtle too - its there but you need to really know it. I recommend reading the stickies at the top of our Amazon sub forum, really well.

i keep hearing about pelltes could you tell me what those are? at thanthe pet store they sold me bird seed....thankGod i found this fourm...i thought at first pelltes wore seeds...but from what im reading i think they are proubly something else could you please tell what pellets are and where to get them?
lol that is not a problem it is winter here and COLD outside!!! i personally HATE being cold so i dont go outside at all in the winter unless I HAVE to like for drs appts, vet apps, and sunday for church.... i give spike the shopping list and off he goes lol im not
Is Spike the dog?
Is Spike the dog?
lol no hes my fiance weve been together for over 20 years but couldnt get married because i was on disablity and we couldnt make it on his salery alone...the goverment in its infanit wisdom decided i would loose my disablity if we got married BUT as long as we wore just living together i could keep my disablity.... which we needed....seems crazy to me youd think theyd go by income and or want us married....but noo and neither one of us made enough to make it on our that im going on 67 (birthday in march) im on stright ss so we can FINALLY get married....we just have to get everything around ... makes as much sense as my having to travel over 20 miles to get my perscriptions filled when theres a phamricy about 4 blocks away.....
I see so much about parrotlets that curiosity made me Wikipedia them..."The Pacific parrotlet, in particular, does not understand that it is a tiny bird, and has little trouble challenging other animals and humans. Parrotlets in general are feisty, affectionate, and willful. Parrotlets should be housed separately due to their aggressive nature...." makes me wonder if these little guys personalities are what made velociraptors in Jurassic Park so believable?

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