Parrot won't go back to the cage.

Is he a wild caught bird or was he handfed? Sounds like he hasnt had much interaction with humans so its going to take time, effort, and a lot of patience and love. You need to dhow him that you are worthy of trust. Trust building may take time but it will pay off! If you search tips for taming your bird/parrot or re-taming a bird, along with building trust with a new bird with the search function here lots of useful threads will come up, or on google as well, but there are plenty of very good threads on here related to taming a bird thats not used to being handled. It may take a good amount of time for him to start trusting you; dont try to force anything and scare him, you dont want him to associate yourself with bad experiences in this fragile process. Also, you can come a long way through earning trust and training but theres a good chance he wont ever be a very hands on bird.. that doesnt mean you cant have a great bond with him he just may not be a touchy bird. Use info you find while searching threads here for taming and you will start making progress [search is on the blue bar near the top or also the home page].
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I suppose he was just in an aviary where they just gave em food water cya next day, so ye i cooled down a bit and decided that i'll read him a book i have and after that which will last like at least a week or two we'll see how it goes :)
Try starting from the beginning with Koki, giving him food and lots of attention. Birds do react to their environment, so first job is to make him feel safe and showing that you are a friend.

Plumsmum gave you some incredibly good and helpful advice. Please read through the links and ask any questions! We are here to help you succeed with Koki.
So since Koki's fav food is sunflower seeds, then i should remove it from his regular diet and only give him as a treat?
So since Koki's fav food is sunflower seeds, then i should remove it from his regular diet and only give him as a treat?

Yes, use the sunflower seeds as a treat/reward for doing something good. If they are out and in his food then there is no incentive to do what you are trying to train if he can go grab one for doing nothing. In other words they become special.
Well thanks i'll do my best.
Btw does anyone knows the exact name of this rosella species, can't seem to find on the net, and wanna read like everything i can about it?
I'd say that he is a Cinnamon Eastern Rosella :)
Btw i wanna show you guys something to like check it out, it's a video of his reactions while listening to music, any idea in which format to upload it, since in mp4 it doesn't want to for some reason?
I would recommend uploading the .mp4 file to google drive,,, or youtube, and then sharing the link. The file may be too large to upload directly to this site if you are not a supporting member.
Great video, looks like Koki is a fan of Reggae music!! Birds do react to music, I have a radio playing for them most of the time.
At least I've learned what he wanna listen to, that's the progress. Now gotta find out why he's scared of the swing, maybe because the pieces of rope are touching his head and that's scary for him

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