Parrot tatoos

My sister got a tattoo on her left breast to commemorate our family's military service. It was an eagle holding a banner in its beak. Now 25 years and 3 kids later it looks like a really sad pelican

Cute. Her breasts did service to the 3 kids I suppose!
Wendy, it looks like you have one on your calf/ankle. My 'dream tattoo' is on my foot and/or possibly ankle (or wrapping from ankle down the side of the top of the foot), but OUCH that looks so painful. I would imagine that hurt a lot??!
My sister got her first tattoo probably in mid 40s and now is working on a sleeve.
Wendy, it looks like you have one on your calf/ankle. My 'dream tattoo' is on my foot and/or possibly ankle (or wrapping from ankle down the side of the top of the foot), but OUCH that looks so painful. I would imagine that hurt a lot??!
My sister got her first tattoo probably in mid 40s and now is working on a sleeve.

In all didn't hurt. I call it "discomfort". Pain (to me) is something entirely different. :)

I'm still toying with the idea of having the one right above my ankle extended upward, around, and down to my foot. ;) But the tattoo artist who did mine has left the state, and I would need to find someone equally talented (whom I'd trust my skin to).
I don't have any tattoos myself, but a while back we had blokes in laying carpet in our house. I noticed a tatt on one of the blokes' hands and said 'Excuse me, but isn't that a Night Parrot?' (NPs are our rarest parrot here in Australia).

'Yeah,' he said. 'I've got a few more as well. Wanna see?'

I don't know why, but I said I would. Without hesitation, he whipped off his shirt to reveal his entire upper torso covered in Australian native parrots! His aim, he told me, was to get his entire body covered and to have every one of our parrots represented somewhere on his body. Next, we played the game of 'Have you got a...?' and he would show me where it was.

I know tatts are really popular at the moment, but they happen not to be my cup of tea. I have to say, though, that this bloke's work of art was *so* impressive and truly truly beautiful! The bloke was in his late fifties and began the work when he was thirty-nine. I'd love to catch up with him again and see how it's progressing. :D

Oh, and yes, he had many, many pet parrots of his own.
I'm planning on using one of my grey's tail feathers as a modal for mine. I want a quill on my shoulder next to some elegant text that reads:

"In Christ the solid rock I stand;
Sometimes the lion, sometimes the lamb"

It was a word God gave my husband's uncle for our wedding and we've tried to model our marriage around it. Having one of the bird's tail feathers as the quill will make it that much more special.
I was thinking of getting something to show my love for Rory! I have paw prints on my right wrist for each of my dogs, but would really love to maybe get his little foot print on my other wrist or I thought it would be neat to have one done of his little foot around my finger. But I'm not sure yet.
Here are the paw prints
My sister got a tattoo on her left breast to commemorate our family's military service. It was an eagle holding a banner in its beak. Now 25 years and 3 kids later it looks like a really sad pelican

A hundred years ago, when I was in the Army, one of our Sergeants was a body builder. He had an eagle, with the "e plueribus unum" tatood from the tip of one shoulder to the next. It was an awesome tatoo, we all told him he couldn't stop lifting weights ... EVER ... for fear his eagle would turn into a pigeon.

A woman at work won a multi hour tatoo session, she ended up getting a dragon fly tatooed in the small of her back. She later went back and had the tatoo modified to include smoke and fire rising out of the dragon fly and it metamophised into a midievel flying dragon. The "whole-back" piece was quite magnificent.
No parrot tattoos [yet], but I have several already...the most visible ones are my half sleeve
i;ve always thought of getting a tattoo , maybe a parrot foot print on my shoulder,

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