Parrot odour


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Jun 26, 2023
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Hi! My name is Carmen Hernández, and I am researching the sense of smell in psittacines. I would like to know if you have the perception that the smell of your birds varies depending on the individual, even within the same species, or if the smells are typical of each species.

Thank you :)
Birds smell like's not offensive. Evene thier poop doesn't smell offensive. Smell a bird, you've smelled most birds.
are you researching how a parrot's sense of smell functions or how does a parrot smell?

My Macaw smells completely different than my amazon.
My RLA Abba smelled maybe similar in odor but very different to my other RLA Primor.

An Amazons smell is enticing, it must have a purpose.
My Macaw just smells clean.

And it is true that their droppings do not smell.

Although my other half says he can smell our macaw Macheath's droppings.
I think cause he grew up on a farm with chickens he has a nose for it.

Otherwise they just don't seem to be interested in smells??
strong smelling foods or anything, not smell motivated at all.

unless it's offensive.
I went to PT and they put Icy-Hot on my shoulder and Primor was not happy with that smell at all.
I have 3 amazons.
My yellow nape has a fairly strong musty smell.
I liken it to the smell of your coat closet the first time you open it when winter is coming.

The other two are redheaded amazons AKA green cheek amazons. I can only get my nose close to one of them if I want to keep it attached. Merlin smells more of musk rather than musty and it’s very hard to detect.

I can’t smell anything of my African grey.

My Cockatiels only smells after a bath, like a wet chicken.
are you researching how a parrot's sense of smell functions or how does a parrot smell?

My Macaw smells completely different than my amazon.
My RLA Abba smelled maybe similar in odor but very different to my other RLA Primor.

An Amazons smell is enticing, it must have a purpose.
My Macaw just smells clean.

And it is true that their droppings do not smell.

Although my other half says he can smell our macaw Macheath's droppings.
I think cause he grew up on a farm with chickens he has a nose for it.

Otherwise they just don't seem to be interested in smells??
strong smelling foods or anything, not smell motivated at all.

unless it's offensive.
I went to PT and they put Icy-Hot on my shoulder and Primor was not happy with that smell at all.
I am researching both :) We have already published a paper demonstrating that Scarlet Macaws can detect the smell from fruits!

But now, I am interested in their plumage odour. It has not been described so far! When I worked with this species in Costa Rica, their sweet smell immediately caught my attention, and that's why I am researching it. I believe the scent they emit plays a role in intraspecies chemical communication.
What I'm not sure about is to what extent they could identify each other by scent.

Ah! Some owners of Amazons and other parrots also say that when they are very happy, they emit a stronger sweet scent.

I have a pionus. A white-capped pionus to be exact. Their plumage gives off a honey-like smell when they're stressed or excited.
As far as a parrots sense of smell.
I would bet it’s poor in most species.
I think they depend on their ability to see in the ultraviolet to tell from a distance how ripe fruit is.

In a domestic setting I think they rely on hearing and vision.
If we start fixing something in the kitchen they like they frequently know before they see it by the sound it makes.
My avian vet says parrots' sense of smell and taste is poor, compared to ours...
Tat's why they often enjoy hot peppers.

As for bird odor, I agree with most oof the perceptions above, and I'll add that my Patagonian smells like chocolate bar wrappers... the foil-paper kind... especially under his wings It's a guilty pleasure of mine.
Hi! My name is Carmen Hernández, and I am researching the sense of smell in psittacines. I would like to know if you have the perception that the smell of your birds varies depending on the individual, even within the same species, or if the smells are typical of each species.

Thank you :)
Different species have different odors IME. Even the same bird has different odors depending on whether he is indoors or outside. My B&G macaw has no scent whatsoever if kept indoors. The minute he goes outside he develops a very distinctive sweet powdery scent which I love sniffing. 😜 I have had my bird for almost 50 years so I can confirm that fresh air perfumes my parrot. I have smelled the same sweet powdery scent on other macaws, so it may be species specific. I had a mynah bird and several eclectus parrots and they smelled nothing like a macaw.
I am most familiar with New World Parrots and especially the Amazons and Macaws. Both have very specific scents based on species.

Specific to the Big Hot Three of the Amazon World (Double Yellow-Headed, Yellow-Nape, and the Family of Blue-Fronted), each species has a scent, which is common within their set. Add to that Amazons as a family tend to have an aroma that seems to be connected to their state-of-mind! When they are contented the aroma emits and those who are owned by an Amazon commonly find the aroma enticing.
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I love this! I have a blue and gold macaw and to me he smells like a flower! Love how he smells!
Especially after bathtime!
Otto wears a special cologne - Dusty Sweet corn 😂 sometimes with a hint of fresh cucumber.

I love it! Sorry.

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