Lol, I forgot about this thread existence
So, months went by, nothing changed until the characters went to the high school. Natalie, Veronica, Claudia and (unfortunately) Daniel went to the same school, to the same class. Hopefully Bart went to another school, so they have one enemy less. Among new classmates for example there's Cunigunde - Natalie's friend who decided to rejoin her and to live with her.
To Natalie and Veronica's surprise the new classmates had nothing against two hybrids in the class (shamrock and catalina macaw). The only macaw who was (and is) angry is of course Daniel.
Once day during Natalie's absent, Daniel decided to attack Veronica again. He wanted to clip her wings again, but other classmates heard her voice, came and saved her. One of them - David decided to punish Daniel - he clipped wings and said all boys to not be friends in nearest 2 months.
You won't change my mind - I still think it is so stupid and creepy idea