Parrot abuse???

Is there an SPCA in your neighbourhood? This is the place where a complaint should be filed, and your name stays confidential. A peace officer would follow up on the complaint and if found serious enough, would seize the parrot. Then, depending on the state, fines could be charged with the possibility of a court appearance and the owners refused from owning a parrot for a certain period of time, or forever.
I work in an SPCA, but in Canada, and this is the procedure that happens here and I presume in the States as well.
Please do it for the sake of the parrot! Good luck.
Sadly, birds are expensive. Sometimes an animal is valued only for its monetary worth, and not as a living being. People won't give up parrots because they paid a lot of money for them.
Thank you for caring.
You have a wonderful and caring nature, clearly.
I hope for a good outcome in the end.

Kentuckienne, you just reminded me of something I witnessed not long ago. I was consulting with an interior designer who wanted a painting that brought some colors and themes together for a certain room. She mentioned that the customer had wanted a macaw because it had the room's two main colors (yellow and blue). Thank GAWD the designer talked her out of it.
Sadly, birds are expensive. Sometimes an animal is valued only for its monetary worth, and not as a living being. People won't give up parrots because they paid a lot of money for them.

But if the parrot is abused or neglected, a Peace Officer can decide the best course of action for this parrot. Even if the parrot is seized doesn't mean that the owners will loose him. A serious talk with a Peace Officer might put them straight, and the parrot may be returned. The parrot will then stay on the Peace Officer's radar for future check-ups and if the situation doesn't change for the better, a final seizure may occur.
Where, in Idaho, may I ask? I lived in the Boise area for almost 10 years and can possibly refer contacts to help. You may be hesitant to call the police, and I understand......but what about the local Humane Society? ASPCA has a Hotline to report animals neglect/abuse. Please use it. No animal should suffer, whether it be feathered, furry......simply stated, it's wrong. I've been involved in rescue for 20+ years.....primarily dogs, cats and ferrets. Freckles is my first parrot and while she was being cared for, I consider her a rescue as her living conditions were stagnant. My best to you and for your concern and willingness to help. creature deserves to live a life being treated like this.
I can only talk for Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but know that the Humane Societies in the States are very good. So, yes, indeed, this is the path that should be taken to relieve the parrot from its abuse.

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