Please help!! My parakeet Tweety is not comfortable out of her cage. I've had her for 4 years. She is always scared and watchful of everything, she tries to find a corner in the house that she can sit undisturbed, when she finds one she stays there. she was always the shy and guiet type, opposite of her little friend spot, who's in spirit now. when he was around she would only get out when he would, and she would feel safe around him, but even then sometimes she would stay quite a while in her cage, as if she was making up her mind, while spot was having the time of his life outside. She would be at the point of flying out, then shed go back in. Now, she just wants to stay in her cage. id leave the door open, and she wouldn't even notice. My mom doesn't let me buy another bird, but maybe even that may not help her fear. she feels a little bit safer with me, but not enough for her to completely relax. she was panting on my shoulder randomly today, I confirmed it was not a symptom of illness because when I put her back in her cage, she was fine. she eats, drinks and poops normally too. could this be a psychological problem?