Panama Amazon breeder photos


New member
Mar 25, 2012
Jacksonville, Florida
April - 32 year old Panama Amazon!
Zuri - 3 year old Congo African grey
George - 4 year old Panama Amazon
Ever since we adopted April, our Panama Amazon, we have been looking for breeders. We don't really have any plans right this minute to get another just looking around. one thing we have noticed is when we do find some breeders, they all have the same picture (link below). This makes me wonder are these breeders trustworthy? Is this common for breeders to use a stock photo and not a pic of the actually baby?

Not saying anything good or bad about this breeder just say this photos again and had to ask.
It is common for breeders to pull pictures to put on theiMyra breeder actually does that but he will text actual photos to my cell of my baby. Now if your breeder is not forthcoming about the fact the pictures are not your actual bird well then that's a very different issue.
Sorry autocorrect ....I meant to say it is common for them to put other pictures on their website
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I was thinking they may use stock photos on their websites. I just was not sure if others had seen this done with other species. Thanks!
First, OMG cute photo - I can see why people use it.

Second, PM henpecked on this forum - I THINK he breeds Panamas. He cetainly is my 'go to' expert on amazons & Panamas are one of his favorites.

Even if you are casually looking around, I think he can offer suggestions.

Just my 2 cents.

[We have 1 yellow crowned & 1 panama amazon. I understand completely why you might want a 2nd one!]
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First, OMG cute photo - I can see why people use it.

Second, PM henpecked on this forum - I THINK he breeds Panamas. He cetainly is my 'go to' expert on amazons & Panamas are one of his favorites.

Even if you are casually looking around, I think he can offer suggestions.

Just my 2 cents.

[We have 1 yellow crowned & 1 panama amazon. I understand completely why you might want a 2nd one!]

Thanks! I will look him up! Is your yellow crown just as entertaining as tha panama? April will sit and "talk on the phone", she will laugh at the punch line of jokes before anyone else does. W love listening to her ramble on and sing. She is a great bird!
Panama amazons are a sub-species of the Yellow Crown, and our two are individual personalities, but still are very much alike.

They both make us laugh.

The Yellow Crown got here first - he arrived with a voice like a lady from northern New Jersey or Long Island, but has lost much of the Jersey accent since he has lived here. He laughs, sometimes like me, and sometimes like my mother (it was my husband who identified the difference between the two laughs). One night, he went back and forth between the two laughs (my mother was here) and got us laughing with him. By the time we were done, my stomach hurt and tears were streaming down my face. He also would "play back" my half of a phone call, after I hung up. He hasn't done that lately (the Grey & the Greenwing have apparently picked up that responsibility).

He is a happy, cheerful bird who plays hard and is a joy to have around.

The little Panama arrived with his big friend, a Greenwing macaw, and the two are partners-in-crime. The macaw takes the lead, and the Panama plays straight-man to the macaw's comedian. Kiwi, the Panama, chuckles & like your parrot, generally is the first to laugh at a joke. He also holds up his end of a conversation, saying, "Uh-huh . . . yeah . . . yeah . . . uh-huh . . . okay . . . little-little (which is his nickname for himself)" all in a sweet little voice. He does that no matter if I'm talking or if his greenwing buddy is talking. If I am working on something, I sometimes realize someone is looking over my shoulder and there he is, supervising me.

The two look very much alike, although the Yellow Crown is a couple inches bigger than the Panama, who feels like a little bit of nothing when he lands on my shoulder. [Then again, once a macaw has perched on your shoulder, everything else feels light!]
I do see YCAs being sold as Pans, I guess Pans demand more money.That and many birds are hybrids. Some people might use a stock photo because their birds aren't pure or in poor condition,but i think most people use them because they usually are good photos and so easy to download. I do, like lots of people, and send photos of babies and adults (most buyers crave that sort of stuff and people who don't set off alarms with me). I've bought several birds sight unseen and rarely get what i paid for.Now days i visit the bird before i buy it,drove 3200 miles round trip, for a pair of DYHs. I'd study up on what ever bird i wanted.The more i learn about different operations,remember,"Buyer beware". I'd be like some kind of expert before getting any bird. I'll quit ranting now.
PS Pans have a waiting list,sorry. I do see rehomes sometimes ,want me to keep an eye out for ya ?
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I do see YCAs being sold as Pans, I guess Pans demand more money.That and many birds are hybrids.

Actually, I think my YC might be a hybrid - there are parts of him that meet the description of a Pan & parts of him that meet the description of a YC better. He is definitely bigger & heavier than the Pan. But they are otherwise quite similar. I either call him a hybrid or a YC.

By the way - in addition to the fact that many birds are hybrids, many owners don't know what they've got.

When we got the YC, we were responding to a craigslist ad a couple hours away (Baltimore) for a yellow nape. I had recently fallen in love with a lovely (but unavailable) yellow nape hen, also in Baltimore. So when this 'new' yellow nape was advertised, we went to look.

There were 2 amazons sitting on a tree stand in the sun. A YC and a Blue Front. The seller enthused how her friend who breeds amazons had never seen a YN with feathers that color . . .

I guess not.
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Henpecked if you could keep an eye out that would be great!

Kbequine, we got April from a Craigslist ad also. The owners didn't know what type of amazon she is. They did know that their aunt got her in Panama back in the early 80's and then brought her to FL. That is what led us to looking at pans and believing that is what she is.
How cool, i got my Pan ,Kia , while living in the CZ back in the seventies.Many of the people who relocated from the Canal Zone ,moved to the Pensacola area . That would be a good CL to check if your looking for a real Pan zon.
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How cool, i got my Pan ,Kia , while living in the CZ back in the seventies.Many of the people who relocated from the Canal Zone ,moved to the Pensacola area . That would be a good CL to check if your looking for a real Pan zon.

Not sure when we will be in the market for one, but we like to keep our eyes open.

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