Page Error???????????

I have Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome browsers on this laptop. I've just attempted to access the PF public Photo Gallery images with each of these browsers (by navigating to the Photo Gallery area and clicking on the Macaws section link). Upon doing so, each of the 3 browsers received the following identical database error:


This more or less indicates that the problem lies in the forum software/settings and not with any member's browser, operating system, or hardware device.

The other day I had an issue where threads would not automatically 'mark as read' upon my accessing them. It turned out to be a local problem. The 'threads - lastview' cookie for in my copy of Firefox had somehow become corrupted, so my deleting it completely fixed the issue. However, I just felt it relevant to mention that during my troubleshooting of this matter I had clicked on "Mark This Forum Read" under the Forum Tools drop-down menu heading and it seemed to work fine for the section I was viewing. That is, the entire thread list became properly marked as "read" for me. So I'm unsure whether I'm one of the few who the function in fact works for, or if there's another explanation. But it does seem to work for me (at least). Unfortunately, accessing the images in the public Photo Gallery is another matter altogether :(
just accessed the PF public photos gallery with no issues using Chrome and can see pics/thumbnails. Plax, I know your ISP is pretty slow. Could it be a timeout issue and just doesn't give that error?

After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.

I know what VB code looks like but I ain't no programmer either.
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just accessed the PF public photos gallery with no issues using Chrome and can see pics/thumbnails. Plax, I know your ISP is pretty slow. Could it be a timeout issue and just doesn't give that error?

After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.

I know what VB code looks like but I ain't no programmer either.

What are the mods saying about the issue I'm having?
just accessed the PF public photos gallery with no issues using Chrome and can see pics/thumbnails. Plax, I know your ISP is pretty slow. Could it be a timeout issue and just doesn't give that error?

After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.

I know what VB code looks like but I ain't no programmer either.

What are the mods saying about the issue I'm having?

Many Members that are using Google Chrome are not having these issues!

I can access the PF public photos gallery and so can WharfRat.
I can only think that it is an error with your computer!
Just out of curiosity, try using Firefox or Internet Explorer! I have had Firefox for 3 Years now and never had any problems with it.
just accessed the PF public photos gallery with no issues using Chrome and can see pics/thumbnails. Plax, I know your ISP is pretty slow. Could it be a timeout issue and just doesn't give that error?

After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.

I know what VB code looks like but I ain't no programmer either.

What are the mods saying about the issue I'm having?

Many Members that are using Google Chrome are not having these issues!

I can access the PF public photos gallery and so can WharfRat.
I can only think that it is an error with your computer!
Just out of curiosity, try using Firefox or Internet Explorer! I have had Firefox for 3 Years now and never had any problems with it.

Why do I feel like no one's listening to me? Am I reading your post wrong? I've said already that I use Google Chrome. I don't use anything else. When this issue came up I tried Firefox just to see if I would have the same problem and I did. I then went into my phone and checked and had the same problem. How can this be a problem with my computer if multiple members are having it? I hope I'm not coming off as snappy. I really don't mean to be. I just want people to listen to me. I've been having this issue for months now and want to be able to look at pics like almost everyone else.
I can assure you that you are being listened too!!
There are also many Members that are not having this issue!

I have sent Admin a PM about it so hopefully they will get the technical team to look into it:)
Sorry for not replying last night WharfRat, but your response came a bit after bedtime here :11:.

just accessed the PF public photos gallery with no issues using Chrome and can see pics/thumbnails. Plax, I know your ISP is pretty slow. Could it be a timeout issue and just doesn't give that error?
No. My connection is ISDN, which is not great on bandwidth but still very dependable. I view hi-res images and galleries quite often and the images always load. In fact, I can consistently browse and view any forum member's personal photo album and the images therein, as well as the MOA gallery and its images. Photos from those locations always load dependably and quickly for me with all 3 browsers.

Since some members are able to view the public gallery images while others are not, perhaps there's some necessary code that's being blocked from execution on the computers that receive the error pages. So maybe it's related to our individual script-blocker settings. I'll check into that. One problem I can see in that theory, though, is that my copy of Google Chrome is in an entirely default state (I've never changed settings or modified it in any way since initial installation) and it too encounters the database error page responses for the PF public gallery. But I'll still check into the script blocking theory.

After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.
This is another mystery. I just went to the Budgies forum and there I could see many thread titles in bold. I then clicked on 'Mark This Forum Read' and all the bold message listings immediately became un-bold. So the feature does appear to work for me. I have no idea why it's not working for others :confused:

As stated, I'll play around with the public gallery issue a bit today and report back.
I've had the same problem, but only on the gallery, and only on my tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.0). .hm. :confused:
Well, I disabled script blocking on each of the 3 browsers and it made no difference whatsoever.

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the PF public gallery server requires "ACTIVE" port connections with our client machines (as opposed to "PASV" ones). This has been a longstanding and well known issue with FTP servers. If the gallery is using similar protocol it may account for the result we're seeing. Specifically, when an FTP server requires ACTIVE port connections it's the server itself that decides which port numbers to open on the client computers. If a client computer is behind a router/firewall that blocks such remote port-control access, "ACTIVE" FTP server connections will fail to succeed. Conversely, PASV mode connections allow the client machines to initiate transfer port assignments with a server. The ACTIVE connections have been considered a security risk, which is why many firewalls block them.

A bit later today I'll bring up a terminal window and monitor dropped packets on my router during my attempts to access the PF public gallery images. By doing that I'll be able to see if any port connections are being rejected. That should confirm whether or not it's an ACTIVE mode issue. I'll of course report the results here.
The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the PF public gallery server requires "ACTIVE" port connections with our client machines (as opposed to "PASV" ones). This has been a longstanding and well known issue with FTP servers. If the gallery is using similar protocol it may account for the result we're seeing. Specifically, when an FTP server requires ACTIVE port connections it's the server itself that decides which port numbers to open on the client computers. If a client computer is behind a router/firewall that blocks such remote port-control access, "ACTIVE" FTP server connections will fail to succeed. Conversely, PASV mode connections allow the client machines to initiate transfer port assignments with a server. The ACTIVE connections have been considered a security risk, which is why many firewalls block them.

A bit later today I'll bring up a terminal window and monitor dropped packets on my router during my attempts to access the PF public gallery images. By doing that I'll be able to see if any port connections are being rejected. That should confirm whether or not it's an ACTIVE mode issue. I'll of course report the results here.
OK, I just quickly checked this theory. As it turns out, the ACTIVE/PASV thing is not a factor. No port connection attempts are being rejected at my router when I try to load the gallery image pages. I'm therefore at a loss here :(. It's someone else's turn :o
well I'll I'm getting the error as well (Chrome and IE)!!! :confused:
Hmmm, I think the TapATalk add-in may be the culprit............

Plax, do you at least get to the main directory of the gallery that shows the categories with thumbnail pics?
Hmmm, I think the TapATalk add-in may be the culprit............

Plax, do you at least get to the main directory of the gallery that shows the categories with thumbnail pics?
Yes, I am able to get there. It's when I click on any of the thumbnails that the error page appears. And it appears instantly, so that pretty much excludes any kind of timeout.
code from one of the thumbnails in the gallery:

if (typeof tapatalk_detected_loaded === 'undefined')
function detectTapatalk()
if (document.cookie.indexOf("tapatalk_redirect4=false") < 0)
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera/i))
if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) {
if (confirm("This forum has an app for iPhone and iPod Touch! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk."))
window.location = "";
} else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
if (confirm("This forum has an app for iPad! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk."))
window.location = "";
} else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/Kindle Fire/i)) {
if (confirm("This forum has an app for Kindle Fire! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk."))
window.location = "";
} else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) {
if (confirm("This forum has an app for Android. Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk."))
window.location = "market://details?id=com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity";
} else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)) {
if (confirm("This forum has an app for BlackBerry! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk."))
window.location = "";

function setTapatalkCookies()
var date = new Date();
var days = 90;
var expires = "; expires="+ date.toGMTString();
var domain = "; path=/";
document.cookie = "tapatalk_redirect4=false" + expires + domain;


var tapatalk_detected_loaded = true;
After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.
This is another mystery. I just went to the Budgies forum and there I could see many thread titles in bold. I then clicked on 'Mark This Forum Read' and all the bold message listings immediately became un-bold. So the feature does appear to work for me. I have no idea why it's not working for others :confused:

As stated, I'll play around with the public gallery issue a bit today and report back.

The individual forums Mark Forum Read works.... we're talking about the Universal/Mark *ALL* Forums Read button that is located at the top of the page near your Username under Quicklinks - Not the one located under Forum Tools.

Here's an image of what I'm talking about.


SharonC brought it up in another thread.

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well I'll I'm getting the error as well (Chrome and IE)!!! :confused:

I'm wondering if you weren't getting the error before because you still had saved cookies... however, if you deleted cookies after this thread was created and tried viewing the page again, that might have been when you started getting the error....

Just a thought.
code from one of the thumbnails in the gallery:
That code involves cookie setting for tapatalk on mobile devices. I don't see how it plays into home PC, non-tapatalk page access. The link itself is what should direct a client to the correct page(s).
well I'll I'm getting the error as well (Chrome and IE)!!! :confused:

I'm wondering if you weren't getting the error before because you still had saved cookies... however, if you deleted cookies after this thread was created and tried viewing the page again, that might have been when you started getting the error....

Just a thought.
In my case, at least, that's not likely. I got the error page with 3 different browsers, each of which had been freshly cleared of cookies and web cache.
After talking with a mod or 2 the "mark forums read" has been a long time issue.
This is another mystery. I just went to the Budgies forum and there I could see many thread titles in bold. I then clicked on 'Mark This Forum Read' and all the bold message listings immediately became un-bold. So the feature does appear to work for me. I have no idea why it's not working for others :confused:

As stated, I'll play around with the public gallery issue a bit today and report back.

The individual forums Mark Forum Read works.... we're talking about the Universal/Mark *ALL* Forums Read button that is located at the top of the page near your Username under Quicklinks - Not the one located under Forum Tools.
OK, that much is explained then. Thanks Monica :)

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