Owning two new Conures at the same time and bonding


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Sep 16, 2024
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Green Cheek Conure
So, I'm not new to owning a Green Cheek Conure but I recently lost mine which was devastating. I went into a deep depression about it his name was Nicolas. I decided to get two new babies since I've always had just one. I figured they would have each other when I'm not around. ok! to get to the point. my previous bird and I never went through a period that we needed to gain each other's trust. He loved me from day one and cuddled with me right away and wouldn't leave my side. So, with the two new ones this is not the case. They are housed separately but do have interactions outside their cages, neither are bonded to me yet at least I don't think so. my biggest worry is if I'm doing anything wrong to prevent them from bonding with me.

Normal: no name yet (can't think of a name for it) we can call it conure 1 lol for now. 11 months old
Cinamon colored one: Peral 9 months old

so, conure 1, I got first and worked with him on step ups on perches because he tries to bite my hand when I try step up. he does really well. he gets excited to come out and when I approach the cage. He receives food from my fingers but not open palm bcuz he will bite my hand. I got him to step up on the back of my hand twice with lots of his hesitation. He is able to come out of the cage and spend time near me on my desk while I do my own thing. He approaches me sometime but when I look, he runs off lol. He lets me pet him around the head when I approach him with my hand from the back but then will try to nip at me. I can't pick him up but can move round with him on a perch. He only landed on my shoulder once when he got scared but then if i try to put him there from the perch, he won't step off the perch.

Peral I was told is possible a Female. she is very skittish. I am doing target training with her as she easier runs off. she is able to do it in her cage and out but when she is out i have to always figure out a non-handling way to get her back in. I'm not able to pet her as she back away if my hands get too close. She will take treats from my fingers but not my palm. i have gotten her to step up on a perch but she gets scared if I move it too far from a safe space.

training with Pearl gets difficult when I leave conure 1 alone for too long bcuz he will call out and then she gets distracted. and if i have them both out they don't do well training. they are 2months apart in age. I'm also worried they will bond to each other, and I'll lose my chance at bonding with them and being part of the flock. it hard because I'm used to holding my bird all the time and cuddling with him when he was still alive and I'm not able to do that with these.

any advice would be great thank you =]
I added a picture of me with my old bird and then a picture of the new babies.


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May I ask how long you’ve had the 2 new parrots, and were they hand fed from a breeder?
Welcome and be welcomed.

SO you are experiencing one of several different outcomes when 2 parrots are introduced to a new home. Its always a crap shoot when adding a new parrot or getting a pair.
a) They get along OK but both are bonded to you
b) They hate each other but are bonded to you
c) They bond to each other and exclude you
d) One or the other get bonded to you, but the other is not
e) One of the many other variations on this theme

All you can do is keep trying. Parrots are incredibly stubborn and resistant to change. It could take weeks, months and yes years. Just hang in there.
May I ask how long you’ve had the 2 new parrots, and were they hand fed from a breeder?
about a week or two and they came from PetSmart. My previous parrot came from PetSmart as well. i got pearl two days after conure 1. Also There aren't many to no breeders in new jersey from my search.
about a week or two and they came from PetSmart. My previous parrot came from PetSmart as well. i got pearl two days after conure 1. Also There aren't many to no breeders in new jersey from my search.
Okay, they are really young. Unfortunately @wrench13 is correct. I wish I had some better news. I have 2 conures, and I formed a relationship with both prior to them being caged together. I had my Jenday for 10+ years before I got my Sun. I did target training with both. I can still handle both, and they are not as bad as breeder parrots yet. Yet being the key word. Google breeder parrots on YouTube. You’ll learn a lot from the videos. Breeder parrots are can be very nesty, and I myself am not gutsy enough to stick my hands in a cage that has 2 breeder parrots in it. Your 2 parrots are still very young. You can work with them, and do your best to introduce human interaction. Some parrots will still include you into their flocks. Others will boot you out. It’s rather unpredictable. All you can do is work with them, and hope for an outcome that includes you being apart of their flock.

I would highly suggest opening the cage, and letting them come out on their own. Especially if you are dealing with a scared parrot. Sticking your hands in the cage, or trying to force the relationship will make it worse. Let the parrots come to you on their own time rather that’s a week, or month.

This is a video on target training. It really does help create a bond.
Okay, they are really young. Unfortunately @wrench13 is correct. I wish I had some better news. I have 2 conures, and I formed a relationship with both prior to them being caged together. I had my Jenday for 10+ years before I got my Sun. I did target training with both. I can still handle both, and they are not as bad as breeder parrots yet. Yet being the key word. Google breeder parrots on YouTube. You’ll learn a lot from the videos. Breeder parrots are can be very nesty, and I myself am not gutsy enough to stick my hands in a cage that has 2 breeder parrots in it. Your 2 parrots are still very young. You can work with them, and do your best to introduce human interaction. Some parrots will still include you into their flocks. Others will boot you out. It’s rather unpredictable. All you can do is work with them, and hope for an outcome that includes you being apart of their flock.

I would highly suggest opening the cage, and letting them come out on their own. Especially if you are dealing with a scared parrot. Sticking your hands in the cage, or trying to force the relationship will make it worse. Let the parrots come to you on their own time rather that’s a week, or month.

This is a video on target training. It really does help create a bond.
so, they are in separate cages they aren't housed together. idk if that makes a difference. I do try and work with them separately. but I can say when they are out together, they are more interested in each other but I'm willing to still try bond with them individually and hope it helps then get use to me. ne is closer with me then the other.
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so, they are in separate cages they aren't housed together. idk if that makes a difference. I do try and work with them separately. but I can say when they are out together, they are more interested in each other but I'm willing to still try bond with them individually and hope it helps then get use to me. ne is closer with me then the other.
Mine were separated for 2 years. They just contact called constantly although their cages were side by side. They wanted to be together. I put them in one cage about 2 weeks ago. They are much happier.



This is from their shower today. They will always step up, or fly to me for shower time. Activities like this I feel will always make me a big deal to my conures. They love water!! Another tip is to find a favorite treat for training, or activity that you can do with the conures. They “need” you then.

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