New member
Hi, All! I have had & raised many budgies in my lifetime. My older brother raised parakeets as a hobby when he was a teenager, so I got well-acquainted with them. As an adult, I’ve owned several, one at a time, having fun training them and teaching them to talk in 2 languages. One even moved to Mexico with me for a few years! As each has passed away, I have had a broken heart. Now I have made the jump to a larger bird, one I know I will enjoy just as much, probably more. This 3 1/2-month-old Green-Cheeked Conure just joined me yesterday and is showing his determination to have his way already! I’m delighted to be learning his personality! He (I am assuming my Conure is a male. I’m sure I will eventually get a blood test to find out for sure.) doesn’t have a name yet. I’ll let my older grandkids help me choose one, probably, depending on what they come up with. :20: I’ve had a variety of animals over the years, but I do believe birds are my favorites! Happy to be here as my new baby and I get acquainted!