Out with Clifford and Kayko


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
Clifford-Scarlet Macaw
Kayko- B&G Macaw
Doogie - Catalina Hybrid Macaw
Our weather has been up and down, but yesterday it certainly was up reaching a high of 78 degrees. Knowing these kinds of days may soon be over for the winter here, I took my boys Clifford and Kayko to the Town Center Mall where I put Kayko on people's arms for cell phone pictures and they can see and hear Clifford talk. Kayko has been on the arms of thousands of people already but yesterday was a unique first. Kayko was photographed on the arm of an albino human being. Her hair was yellow/white and her irises were red. Of all the times to leave my camera home! Kayko is doing pretty good this Fall for getting around; having been on the arm of the governor of the State of Florida, our mayor of the city, Santa Clause, a princess from Saudi Arabia, an Etheopian Orthidox minister, the macaw trainer for Bush Gardens Tampa, and a seven foot tall girl for starters.:)
That is AWESOME!!!! You must be so proud of Clifford and Kayko! :)

If I could go back in time, I would have started taking Niko places the minute he came home. I know, it's not too late now, but the weather, unfortunately, will not allow us any excursions any time soon.
That's great

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